9. Nothing is the same

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If two people can't stay away from each other
Maybe they aren't meant to be apart.


I woke up wrapped up in Arjun's arms, with my head on his chest. I was wearing his shirt which he must have made me wear after I slept. He was shirtless and was just wearing his boxers. It felt so good and comforting. I could spend my whole life like this. No. No. No. I quickly shook off that thought from my mind as it was not possible.

It was still dark outside. I checked my phone to check the time and it said 4:30 AM. I knew I had to leave before Arjun wakes up. But why was I finding it so hard to leave? It's not like we are together or dating. It's just a one night stand! Many peoples have one night stands and they leave afterwards without any contact. I was one of them.

Deep down I know I like him more than that. I am pretty self aware of my feelings and emotions. But I also know that there can't be anything between us and even if there is, I am too fucked up that I would somehow ruin it. I would destroy everything because of my trust issues or worse, I could be like my mother. I wouldn't even wish upon my worst enemy to be with someone like my mother. And Arjun of all people, deserves much better than that.

Why the hell am I even thinking about all this? He probably doesn't even like me as it was just a one night stand. And most importantly I am going to leave.

But a few more minutes wrapped under him wouldn't hurt, would they?

I moved my face to look at him. I cupped his face and pecked his lips, one last time. He mumbled 'stay like this with me forever' in his sleep and I felt like I've been punched in my gut listening to that. My eyes glistened at his words.

I wish I could, Arjun.

I spent a few more moments like that and then very slowly got up from the bed without waking him up. I quickly got dressed and called Isha after going inside the washroom. She said she'll be here in few minutes.

I found a notebook kept on the table and thought that I should leave a note at least. I folded his hoodie and kept the note inside it on the bed.

I stood there to have a last look at him and unknowingly I was tearing up again. I had to gather myself but it was so hard to accept that it was the last time I was looking at him, being near him, was able to touch him.

I slightly ruffled his hair and placed a gentle kiss on his head and murmured 'goodbye, giant man'. With that, I exited the room. Kirti saw me leaving and I heard her call out my name but I could not face anyone at that moment. I just had to leave as Isha had already texted me that she was waiting for me outside.

Suddenly Kirti grabbed my arm and I told her I had to go and how sorry I was. I rushed towards the car and sat beside Isha and told her to drive. Thank god, the boys weren't with her. I didn't want to tell anyone else about anything.

Isha knows me well and she knew that I would not want to discuss anything at that time so she gave me time and space. She told me she was there for me if I need anything. I calmed myself down as I was still crying a little. We reached the camps and got our luggage inside the car and immediately left to go back. Nobody asked me anything about last night, probably Isha warned them to do so. I was thankful!

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