21. Friends don't know how you taste

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"Where have you been, Arjun?" My mother barges in my penthouse yelling at me.

I am just about to leave for the store opening of my family friend Geetanjali. I had no interest at first but then I got to know about Ayesha being there as she is the one who designed her boutique.

So here I am. All ready to go. Maybe she would finally talk to me today? I really hope so.

"Here." I shrug.

I have not visited my mother or Sanvi since almost 20 days now. It is not a lot but still very abnormal for me. After dad, I made it a part of my routine to meet them at least once a week. I really missed Yug too but my mind was too preoccupied by the thoughts of her to do anything else. Sanvi went out on a holiday last night with Yug and Samarth and I am going to meet them as soon as they get back. I have been quite miserable since the day we had that fight. Although the nights were a little better as I at least got to see her through her balcony. Still I ached to talk to her.

I don't know why but she moved her couch to the balcony and I could not have been more thankful. My back was pretty fucked up by sleeping on the floor of her balcony. After that night, I made sure to go even more late at night as it was really very wrong to watch her pleasuring herself. That visual is deeply embedded in my conscious now.

Shit that is still so fucked up. She will definitely kill me if she gets to know about me looking at her like a creep.

"This is so unlike you. Tell me. Is something wrong, beta? You look so tired and weak. Have you not been eating and sleeping on time?" She asks caressing my cheek with concern.

"No maa. Everything is perfectly fine. I was just busy with work. I promise I will come tomorrow to meet you. We can go to the temple too if you want." I assure her.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Geetanjali's store opening. You remember her right?"

"Oh, yes yes! It's been long since I saw her last. When did she get back from London?"

I shrug. I seriously have no idea as I really haven't been in touch with her.

She sighs.

"She is a nice girl. I am glad you are finally interested in meeting someone after that-"

I know where this is going.

"I've already told you not to say anything about her. And I am not interested in Geetanjali. I am just going there as an old friend." I tell her sternly.

"Alright, son. I won't say a word. But I think it is time for you to start finding a suitable girl and get married. You are 26 already. I had your sister and you when I was your age."

Wow. I never even thought about getting married. But with Ayesha, it doesn't sound bad at all. Spending my life with Ayesha. Wow. Fuck why do I feel so giddy all of a sudden?

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