Green Goblin's plan begins

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Harry's body was once again under his control, but the lingering presence of his darker alter ego, the Green Goblin, still sent shivers down his spine. This sinister persona had wicked intentions, and his sights were set on Spider Woman's loved ones. Fueling his malevolence was the guilt of causing the death of Captain Stacy from his own dimension, Earth-29567. Now, the Green Goblin was determined to manipulate and ultimately kill the father of Spider Woman from Earth-65.

As the Green Goblin took hold of Harry's mind, he watched with a twisted satisfaction as Spider Woman swung towards the Stacy Household. It was in that moment that the pieces fell into place, revealing the shocking truth that Spider Woman was none other than Gwen Stacy. This revelation only fuelled the Green Goblin's sinister plan, making it all the more deadly.

With his plan meticulously thought out, the Green Goblin knew it was time to set it into motion. The game was on, and he was ready to unleash his wickedness upon Spider Woman and her loved ones.

Harry's eyes flickered with fear as he struggled to keep his villainous alter ego at bay. The Green Goblin lurked behind his cowardly gaze, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. Harry's knuckles turned white as he knocked on Gwen's door, his heart racing with anticipation.

Gwen's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she opened the door to find an unrecognizable Harry standing before her. His green jacket and purple sweats screamed Green Goblin, sending shivers down her spine.

"Gwen, please help me." Harry said

"Harry, what's wrong?" Gwen asked

"Something really bad is happening, he's taking control again and plans on killing your..."

But before he could finish his sentence, the sinister voice of the Green Goblin interrupted him. "Harry, you fool! You can't tell her anything. She can't know what we're planning," the villain hissed, biding his time for the perfect moment to strike.

Gwen, with a heart full of compassion, gently guided Harry indoors, offering him solace and support. As she worked her magic to soothe his troubled mind, little did she know that her selfless act of kindness would soon become a pawn in the wicked game of the Green Goblin.

Captain George Stacy, beaming with pride, commended his daughter for her unwavering commitment to aiding those in distress. Little did he suspect that his words of praise would unwittingly fuel the insatiable hunger for chaos that resided within the Green Goblin's twisted soul.

As the tension mounted, Prowler and his nefarious cohorts eagerly awaited the signal from the notorious Green Goblin. Their twisted minds were already concocting plans to unleash chaos and destruction upon the unsuspecting world. But unbeknownst to them, the Green Goblin was about to make his move, and it was sure to be a game-changer. Hold onto your hats, folks, because things are about to get wild!

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