Another day at Work

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As the day draws to a close, the fiery sun sinks below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across a desolate and lifeless terrain.

Towering mountains with sheer cliff sides loom in the distance as a long wooden bridge stretches out across the large body of water, adorned with vibrant red flags that flutter wildly in the wind.

The flimsy wooden poles that hold them up creak and groan under the strain, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

A prominent figure walks across the bridge; a thick fog creeps in, obscuring what the man looks like as it envelops him in a shroud of misty gray.

"Legend tells of a legendary warrior... whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend."

A prominent figure emerged from the thick fog to reveal a young man around 20 years old was a muscular panda wearing a yellow robe with a dark black sash tied around his waist, a long dark orange shawl flowing in the wind as it was wrapped around his shoulders, his paw grasping onto a long wooden staff that he uses as he walks.

"He traveled the land in search of worthy foes."

The strange panda stopped his walk on the wooden bridge to stare up at the island where a dark and sinister-looking Inn stood.


Inside the inn, the large group of criminals of crocodiles, oxs, big cats, wolves, and hyenas laugh fiendishly as they chat before the doors swing open, the light from outside making the panda's shadow draped across the crowd.

The panda walks through the crowd of criminals as they snarl and sneer as they glare down at him; he goes and sits down at an empty table as he starts to eat a plate of dumplings.

The criminals sprinted and gathered at the other end of the table, staring down at the unbothered panda.

A muscular Ox leaned his arm against the table as he glared at the panda. "I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on MY FIST!!" He yelled as he slammed his fist into the table, to which the panda continued to chew on his dumplings.

"The warrior said nothing, for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed. And then he spoke."

The panda swallowed his food before he said, "Enough talk. Let's fight!" He upturned the table and posed in dramatic bright lighting before punching the giant criminal Ox away and fighting the other criminals around him.

"He was so deadly, in fact."

The panda peered backward as a crocodile and a leopard swung their weapons at where the panda's head was before the panda leaped up and kicked the two criminals away; the crocodile went flying over the frightened staff, who gasped in awe.

"That his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness!"

The crocodile hits the wall and slides to the ground as the leopard suddenly rears up, screaming, "MY EYES?!" Her eyes turned white, indicating she went blind before she mindlessly searched around her as she walked away.

"He's too awesome!!" The crocodile criminal said, stumbling up, alarmed as he blindly pointed in the direction the panda was in.

"And attractive~" a female bunny staff member cooed as she fluttered her eyes flirtatiously."How can we ever repay you?" The male bunny questioned, honored as he held a tray of small drinks in one hand.

Kung Fu Panda 🎋💥|| {Crane x Caracal Oc}Where stories live. Discover now