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Author's Pov:

Soonyoung and Haeun were walking back home. "Soonyoung", Haeun said. Soonyoung hummed.

"I am bored to walk, please pick me up", Haeun said lazily walking. Soonyoung pushed her away, "I am not interested".

Haeun glared at him, her eyes caught a crowd. "Soonyoung, let's go there. I want to see what's going on", Haeun said and pulled him along.

"You said you were bored", Soonyoung grumbled. "I was bored, the reason we are going to the crowd is because I want to get away from boredom", Haeun replied.

"May I know what's going on?", Haeun asked. "Oh, there's a dance challenge going on", someone replied. "Soonyoung, a dance challenge", Haeun said, her eyes looking at him in expectations.

Soonyoung shook his head but Haeun nodded, "Never keep your talent hidden". She pushed their way through the crowd.

"Anyone from the crowd wants to join?"

Haeun looked at Soonyoung, "Boy, go". Soonyoung shook his head.

"Here we go", the anchor said.

Haeun's eyes sparkled with determination as she watched the dance challenge unfold before her. The rhythmic beats pulsed through the air, and the crowd swayed to the music. Soonyoung, on the other hand, remained rooted in his stubbornness, refusing to participate.

But Haeun wasn't one to back down easily. She tugged at Soonyoung's sleeve, her eyes wide with excitement. "Come on, Soonyoung," she urged. "This is your chance to shine! Don't let your talent go to waste."

Soonyoung glanced at the stage where dancers twirled and leaped, their bodies a blur of movement. His heart raced, torn between reluctance and curiosity. Haeun saw the hesitation in his eyes.

She held his hands, "If you don't want then we can just enjoy. I'll not force you". Soonyoung looked at her and then at the stage, tightly holding her hand.

Haeun's voice cut through his thoughts. "Boy, go," she said firmly, her fingers pointing toward the stage. "Show them what you've got."

The crowd murmured, eyes shifting from Haeun to Soonyoung. He hesitated, then took a deep breath. Maybe it was time to break free from his self-imposed shell. With a nod to Haeun, he stepped forward, the beat of the music urging him on.

And as Soonyoung moved to the center of the dance floor, he felt the rhythm take hold. His body swayed, limbs stretching and contracting in perfect harmony. The crowd's cheers blended with the music, and for a moment, Soonyoung forgot about boredom, about hesitation.

He danced.

Not for the challenge, not for the crowd, but for himself. The crowd was in awe.

"Shine, my tiger. You are great", Haeun shouted. The crowd cheered for him as he swayed his body along with the music.

"Yes, that's my brother, he is a tiger", Haeun shouted earing some weird looks but she cared less.

"Damn, he is so cute", she heard someone saying. Haeun stared at Soonyoung, "He is already getting girls crushing over him".

As the time went, the crowd increased. Haeun kept cheering for him. Now, it was the most intense moment, the final round.

Soonyoung stood against a dancer. He looked at Haeun who was grinning widely. "You can do this, tiger", Haeun shouted. She kept calling him tiger which made few people think it is his actual name.

"Please introduce yourself once".

"Hello, I am Kwon Soonyoung", he said. The crowd cheered before they realised his real name.

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