Episode Six

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"It is hot as the surface of the sun out there." Nolan says, sitting down next to Ana.

Ana shrugs. "at least it's not cold like last week"

"last week was in the 70's" Lucy says, her eyebrows furrowing.

"yeah, that's cold" Ana responds, softly.

"in what world is that cold?" Angela asks.

"I'm Cuban, I'm cold if it's not above 90 degrees" Ana replies, softly.

"Oh" Lucy nods.

"I'm gonna enjoy this week" Ana grins.

"Yep. Gonna be like that all week. Good thing we're all in short sleeves now." Jackson says.

"The uniforms are still wool. Today's gonna be a nightmare." Lucy groans.

"I'm just saying I don't get out of the car for less than a felony when the needle hits 100." Lopez says.

"Your commitment to protecting and serving is admirable." Tim says, sarcastically.

"As long as I can do it in comfort." Angela replies.

Harper passes Tim on her way to sit next to Ana in the front row.

"You know the front row's for the rookies, right?" Tim asks.

"You hoping I'll sit by you?" Harper asks, raising an eyebrow and making Ana turn to look at the conversation.

"I'm just telling you how it is." Tim shrugs.

"The day I need that from you is the day I hang up my spurs." Harper replies before sitting down next to Ana.

"you can sit in the front row, ma'am" Ana assures her, softly.

"I don't need your permission, runt" Harper answers.

"Good morning. We've got ourselves a heat wave, which means what, Officer West?" Grey asks.

"Studies show that a 1% loss of body mass due to sweating decreases cognitive ability and increases anxiety levels." Jackson responds.

Ana raises her hand to get a lamemans interpretation but thankfully Grey is already translating it.

"Translation: tempers will be short, drug and alcohol use up, so stay hydrated and stay sharp. Now, while the rest of you are baking in the sun, Officer Nolan and Officer Cabrera will be flop-sweating in their very first preliminary court hearing." Grey replies.

"Oh, no flop sweats here, sir. I have reviewed the arrest report repeatedly. I am 100% ready to testify on all the facts." Nolan assures.

"I'm hoping for the best, sir" Ana says, softly, not as confident.

"Hmm. Bradford?" Grey calls.

"When did you graduate the Academy?" Tim asks.

"Oh, that was September--" Nolan answers.

"Exact date, Boot." Tim orders.

"Runt?" Harper asks, turning to her rookie.

"September 4th, 2018" Ana pipes up, softly.

"What's your weapon's serial number?" Harper asks, smirking.

"I don't know the –" Nolan responds.

"You need to know the number by heart." Harper insists. "Runt?"

"7966-52489" Ana says her gun's serial number.

"I win" Harper says, turning back to glance at Tim.

"For a DUI arrest? I didn't even draw my weapon." Nolan points out.

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