Episode Nineteen

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"Today is our rookies' one-year mark in the F.T.O. program. Congratulations on not washing out." Grey announces.

"Yet." Harper butts.

"We'll see." Bradford says.

"There's still time." Angela adds.

"That also means today is the start of your Thirty Day Push. Why is that important, Officer Nolan?" Grey asks Nolan.

"Because in one month, we will no longer be probationary employees, but fully fledged patrol officers of the LAPD?" Nolan guesses.

"No." Grey says.

"Damn it." Nolan says under his breath.

"Because, as your T.O.s have pointed out, you are not there yet. The end of the race is always the hardest. The Push is to remind you not to celebrate until you cross the finish line. Understand?" Grey says.

"Yes, sir." All of the rookies say.

"Cabrera, what's going on with your arm?" Grey asks, seeing a bandage wrapped around Ana's upper right arm.

"um... it's not... a family friendly story" Ana stutters out.

Several people wolf whistle. 

"I didn't know you were kinky" Jackson teases.

"definitely not it" Tim interrupts. "what? did you walk in on your grandparents doing something?"

"... yeah" Ana says, softly. "and it was... something that happened"

"Okay... that's all I got. For the first time in history, the night shift did their jobs -- left no open cases that require follow-up. So, go on, find some crime. And be safe out there." Grey dismisses them.


"aww, it's a doggy" Ana smiles, looking out the window at a dog.

"you're supposed to be looking for crime" Harper chastises.

"He's criminally cute" Ana giggles.

Harper just sends her a glare.

"um, how are you feeling about court today?" Ana asks, softly, sitting back down in the passenger seat.

"My lawyer says, with all of my positive changes that I've made and my improved relationship with Donovan, there's no reason the judge shouldn't grant me shared custody." Harper answers.

"That's amazing!" Ana squeals.

"Yeah, except the judge is a real hard-ass and has a reputation for being unorthodox in his rulings." Harper sighs.

"Seven Adam 19, warning to all units, Officer Nolan just said the q-word" Tim says over the radio.

"the q-word?" Ana asks, softly.

"really, runt? synonym for silent?" Harper says.

"oh" Ana says, softly, when she realizes what Harper means. "thank you, ma'am, so does that mean that it'll be a bad day?"

Just then the radio starts flooding in with a car chase Hollywood is doing, they're quickly involved, trying to track down the suspect.

"There. Cabrera. Door." Harper says, as they reach a parking structure where the suspect is moving on foot.

"Got a gun." Ana calls.

"You need to secure it while I go after the suspect." Harper says.

"I'll go with you" Ana volunteers, softly.

"No, that gun is a crucial piece of evidence, and TID has their hands full processing the shooting scene, so I am designating you the finder. Photograph everything. Make sure you get that gun exactly how it was found. Glove up, collect it, and store it in our shop's lock box. You got it?" Harper orders.

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