Episode Nine

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"so why are we doing this again?" Tim groans as Lucy measures his middle finger.

"Ana's birthday is next week" Lucy replies.

"no shit, Sherlock, but why are you dragging me to a ring store?" Tim asks.

"we're getting friendship rings" Lucy answers.

"why?" Tim questions.

"because, Ana has never really had friends before, I mean, her entire backstory is just... sad. And you remember when she was talking down that girl who wanted to ruin her exes embryo tubes? She talked about how her best friend in college slept with her boyfriend. She obviously doesn't have good luck with friendships, so we're getting her friendship rings so that she knows we're her friends" Lucy explains.

Tim is silent, not having anything to say in response to that.

"fine, fine" Tim goes along with it.

They spend the rest of their day off trying to find the perfect trio of friendship rings.


'I have to help him, though, right? That's karma 101 - help the dying guy." Nolan is talking to Ana as they grab gear for their respective TO's.

"I mean, it sounds like the right thing to do... but it also seems rather hard, so if you get any leads, let me know, I'll come help" Ana replies, softly.

"thank you" Nolan sighs. "you're really good at calming me down.

"it's because I have anxiety too, I just say whatever I'd want to hear in the situation" Ana responds, softly.

"that makes sense." Nolan nods.

"What makes sense?" Harper asks, walking down to meet up with them.

"Oh, nothing, is everything okay? you were a little spacey during roll call" Ana asks, softly.

"Nothing. Judge granted me an overnight visit with Lila, tomorrow night." Harper replies.

"Oh, that's amazing! are you excited?" Ana asks, softly.

"If you equate debilitating anxiety with happiness, then, sure. It's been six months since I spent more than a couple hours a week with her. It's just, she's changed so much." Harper sighs.

"well you'll do great" Ana says, softly, waving goodbye to Nolan who goes off to meet up with Lucy and Tim. "are you worried that you've forgotten to be a good mom?"

They walk into the garage and Ana starts loading up the shop.

"No." Harper answers, bluntly.

"Well you have nothing to worry about, I'm sure she's just happy to spend time with you. Have you finished setting up her room?" Ana asks, softly.

"Yeah, I'm doing that tonight. I have a stack of Swedish furniture to assemble." Harper responds.

"I can help if you want" Ana offers, softly.

"Hell no, runt" Harper answers.

"Harper, just got a call from a crime scene. Some woman was assaulted in her apartment. They took her to the hospital." Grey says, entering the garage and talking to the two.

"Okay." Harper shrugs.

"Responding officer noticed a framed photo on the victim's bookshelf, thought I should see it." Grey explains, further.

"That's you, right?" Grey asks, showing both of them a picture of Harper and another girl.

"Yeah. In an undercover life." Harper sighs.

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