Episode Seventeen

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[Okay, I'm sorry, I obviously didn't get this episode out last night but I was just so tired. I figured out the problem with my computer and downloading gifs but now wattpad won't let me insert them, so until it does, I'll just keep inserting these edits, none of which are mine by the way, I just find them on youtube. Thank you for everyone who is commenting, please continue to comment on anything and everything, I love reading them. I'm keep track of the amount of comments on Episode Fifteen and so far 8 people want Tim x Ana and 4 want Ana x Tim x Lucy. Please keep voting. I'm going to keep track until Sunday at midnight. Hope you enjoy the episode and I'm keeping my timeline of being done by Sunday.]

"Lastly, the brass wants us to increase our social media presence within the community." Grey says.

"We're cops, not influencers." Tim scoffs.

Ana raises her hand.

"Cabrera?" Grey asks.

"what's social media?" Ana asks, softly.

She spent all of her childhood in poverty and even through college she didn't have a phone. She only got one during the Academy because it was required. Ana barely if ever uses it, so her knowledge on social media is literally none.

"Chen" Grey says.

"I got her" Lucy says, starting to quietly explain it to Ana.

"Like it or not, Officer Bradford, you're both. A strong relationship with the public makes us all safer. So let's show them we're people, too. Get out there, take a few selfies. Yes, Officer Nolan?" Grey says, turning back to Tim before Nolan raises his hand.

"Back in Foxburg, I knew most of the cops by name." Nolan offers.

"Because there were four of them." Harper jokes, making everyone laugh.

"Five, but the number didn't matter. It's just that they spent most of their time on foot. I mean, how are we supposed to take a selfie with someone when we're trapped in our shop most of the day?" Nolan explains.

"That's a good point. We do spend too much time locked inside our shops. New plan. Everyone spends the morning on foot patrol." Grey decides, making everyone groan.

"Good one, Officer Nolan." Grey smirks while Nolan regrets ever saying anything.


"Are we following Nolan, ma'am?" Ana asks, softly, as they walk.

"Maybe" Harper replies.

"Are you trying to figure out how to kill him without your body camera catching it?" Ana guesses, softly.

"I'm really going to need you to stop reading my mind, runt" Harper says, making Ana giggle.

"Mommy! Policeman!" A young boy (Sam) says on a walk with his mom.

"Hi, what's your name?" Ana asks, softly.

"Sam. Is that a real gun?" Sam asks, pointing to the gun on her holster.

"it is" Ana smiles.

"Can I hold it?" Sam requests.

"No, only because I have something even better" Ana offers, holding out some stickers.

"Thanks!" Sam exclaims, before walking on with his mom.

"Of course. Have a good day." Ana calls.

"That wasn't bad, it was sweet" Ana says, softly, turning back to Harper.

"There are four felonies an hour in Los Angeles. But, no, that was a good use of time." Harper dead pans, making Ana frown.


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