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As the girl approached the door, her nerves started to kick in

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As the girl approached the door, her nerves started to kick in. It had been 11 long years since she last set foot in this house. She couldn't help but notice how they had completely renovated the place, it looked so much bigger than before. 

Auntie Yang rushed to open the door and enveloped me in a warm hug. 

"My Jiwon, look at you all grown up? Oh my gosh, how have you been? Was the journey comfortable? Are you hungry? No, you should shower first and feel fresh before ea-" she exclaimed, her sentence was interrupted by Jungwon. 

"Mom, just let her go inside. She's been travelling for 15 hours; she must be tired." Auntie Yang nodded and allowed us both to enter. 

"Your Uncle should be back any moment now. He went to the shops to get some sweet and sour mangoes for you, your favorite." Auntie Yang mentioned, making Jiwon smile in awe. 

She still remembers. 

"Jungwon take her to her room, I decorated it especially for you Jiwon." Mrs. Yang winked at me and gestured for Jungwon and Jiwon to go to her room, we started heading up the stairs. 

Suddenly Jiwon couldn't contain her laughter when she saw a big hole in the stairs. Jungwon looked back at me confused, and asked what was so funny. 

Jiwon couldn't even speak because I was laughing so hard, "Do you remember this?" the girl managed to ask between laughs, pointing at the hole. "It's so funny that you guys renovated the entire house but left that." 

But it seemed like Jungwon didn't find it as amusing as Jiwon did. "don't remind me about it," he said in an irritated tone as the memories flooded back. 

"Apparently mom wanted to keep it as a memory." He sighed. 

"You could have said no, but you didn't" Jiwon stated with a teasing smirk. 

"I was drunk." 

Back to 12 years ago 

Two kids were running, playing hide and seek, having the time of their lives. Jiwon was running down the stairs so Jungwon wouldn't catch her. Jungwon was running with a car in his hand, his favorite car to be exact. 

"Jiwon, that's not fair," Jungwon said, whining because their rule was to never go down the stairs. The hide and seek was only supposed to be played upstairs. 

"Catch me if you can Wonnie." Jiwon teased and kept running down the stairs. That's when an accident happened. 

Jungwon accidentally slipped and feel from the stairs, and his favorite car flew out of his hands and hit the wall, causing the hole. His favorite car also broke, and he cried non-stop for hours. 

Jiwon blamed herself a lot for this. She didn't show up in front of Jungwon for a few days because she was embarrassed. Jiwon also picked up the car's broken pieces and took them to get properly fixed. 

Reflections in Your Gaze ⋆ JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now