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"Jungwon, I can't find Jiwon!" Jungwon's mom burst into the room in panic

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"Jungwon, I can't find Jiwon!" Jungwon's mom burst into the room in panic. Both Jungwon and Jiwon snapped awake, shocked by the sudden commotion. 

Surprised to see them together, Mrs. Yang stammered, "Oh, I... I'm sorry, I didn't realise..." 

"It's 7 in the morning, Mom, keep it down," Jungwon interrupted, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled out of bed towards the bathroom. 

Mrs. Yang chuckled awkwardly, "Right, sorry," she mumbled before hastily retreating from the room. 

Jiwon, still trying to shake of her sleepiness, looked around in confusion, "What's going on?" she mumbled. Jungwon nodded and dragged her out of his room, as he began to chance into his uniform. 

"Ew did you put on makeup?" Jungwon questioned, eyeing Jiwon sceptically.

"Well yeah, it's the first day, and I need friends,"  Jiwon replied, giving him a "Duh" look before returning to her breakfast. 

"You'll get them immediately if you stick around me," Jungwon boasted, to which Jiwon rolled her eyes. "Popular guy?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jungwon nodded slightly. "No, thank you. Stay away from me in school," Jiwon retorted, prompting Jungwon to mutter a sarcastic, "Yeah sure," as he rolled his eyes. 

"Jiwon I don't care what happens, you will be sticking with Jungwon and that is final." Aunty Yang declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. 

Before Jiwon could respond, Jungwon's dad chimed in, "You two better stick together. Jiwon hasn't been in Korea for so long; it will be hard for her." 

Jungwon nodded in agreement with his father's statement. Jiwon could help but groan in frustration at the thought of being glued to Jungwon's side the entire day. 

After breakfast, Jungwon dragged Jiwon out to the care because she didn't want to go to school. "Get in Gongju." Jungwon said pointing to the car door he had opened. Jiwon rolled her eyes and mocked him, "Gongju," before reluctantly getting inside. 

Jungwon chuckled at Jiwon's childish behavior, finding it funny to tease her and annoy her. 

"Let me warn you about someone," Jungwon began, cautioning Jiwon. "Miyeon, don't go close to her; she's two faced, manipulative and harsh. For context she used to like Heeseung, and now she likes me." 

"She likes them rich, but Jungwon is mine," Jiwon whispered, loud enough for Jungwon to catch the first part. However the second part was too soft for him to hear, leaving him to frown in curiosity about why she didn't want him to hear the rest. 

The drive to school took about 7 minutes, thankfully with lighter traffic than usual. Before Jungwon could even unbuckle his seatbelt and turn towards Jiwon, she had already jumped out of the car and made a dash towards the principal's office, despite not knowing the way. 

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