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It was Monday again, and Jiwon groaned as Jungwon dragged her down for breakfast

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It was Monday again, and Jiwon groaned as Jungwon dragged her down for breakfast. "Morning, children," Jungwon's mom greeted them with a smile while enjoying her food at the table.

"Today's cook made amazing food," Jungwon's mom said, smiling at her husband, and they shared a smile.

"Why is everyone up so early today?" Jiwon asked tiredly.

"Well, Mom and Dad are going on their vacation today, and their flight is in an hour, but they still haven't left," Jungwon explained, nodding.

"We're flying first class, honey. We'll be escorted the entire way by the staff, so it doesn't matter. We won't miss it," Jungwon's dad assured, placing pancakes on Jiwon's plate.

"I wanna go on vacation too," Jiwon sighed, longing for an escape from school.

"We will," Jungwon said, surprising everyone. Jungwon's dad looked at him with raised eyebrows, breaking into a smile and nudging his wife, winking at her.

"He is just like you," Jungwon's mom remarked, making everyone laugh except Jiwon, who was confused about what was going on.


"Sunoo!!" Jiwon ran toward him and embraced him in a tight hug. "Jiwon!!" Sunoo hugged her back. Jiwon was closest to Sunoo among Jungwon's friends. He made her feel really special, and they shared the same humour, as if they shared one brain cell together.

It's like they shared one brain cell together. Sunoo also got really comfortable with her, to the point he even shared who he liked and the other's didn't even know about it. Sunoo had taken a liking to Milli, a transfer student from Australia.

Sunoo liked her quiet personality, he found her very charming, Jiwon thought it was really cute. An extrovert with an introvert, perfect match. Jiwon really loved opposite attracts, so she really enjoyed watching them together even though they have only said a 'hi' to each other so far.

Jungwon stared at them hugging, scaring Sunoo as he realised his awkward embrace. Others laughed at Jungwon and Sunoo, leaving Jiwon puzzled.

"Class is starting soon, let's go," Heeseung interrupted, halting the laughter. Jiwon was about to walk away when Jungwon pulled her back, draping his arms over her shoulders and leading her. Jiwon frowned at his odd behaviour but didn't ask questions.

Walking into the classroom, Jiwon spotted someone familiar chatting with Jake. "Ni-Ki," Jay exclaimed, moving in for a hug. Jiwon froze at the sight of his face.

'What's he doing here?'

"Oh, that's our new student," Jungwon remarked, noticing Jiwon's reaction.

"Ni-Ki," Ni-Ki greeted, offering a handshake. Jiwon managed a small smile in return. "Jiwon."

Ni-Ki was a new exchange student from Japan who had come to Korea to spend his last year in high school there. The boys had taken it upon themselves to show the boy around and make him feel like home. After spending just a week with each other, Ni-Ki and the boys quickly became close to each other, talking away like they'd known each other for ages.

Before their conversation could go further, the teacher entered with Miyeon. She looked drastically different, with dark circles under her eyes and an air of trauma about her, all eyes turning towards her. Miyeon hadn't been the same ever since her locker incident and it was clear that she had been completely shaken up by this. Ni-Ki glanced at her, a smirk playing on his lips, which didn't escape Jiwon's notice.

"Take a seat, everyone," Mrs. Lim instructed, and everyone complied. She might seem pretty and pleasant, but cross her, and you're in trouble.

Miyeon maintained her distance from everyone, her lack of trust palpable. People were wary of approaching her, fearing they might become the next target of her threats. Miyeon scanned the room and noticed the only available seat was beside Sunoo, so she reluctantly took it.

Sunoo kept his distance from her, wary of her unpredictable behaviour. Miyeon remained silent throughout the entire lesson, not even sparing a glance at anyone.

Jiwon couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her. Despite Miyeon's annoying and mean-spirited behaviour towards others, seeing her in such a vulnerable state tugged at Jiwon's conscience.

After the long lesson, lunchtime finally arrived, prompting everyone to rush out of the classroom in search of a place to eat. Jiwon, however, asked everyone to leave and stayed behind alone.

Now, only Jiwon and Miyeon remained in the classroom. Jiwon approached Miyeon, intending to speak, but before she could say anything, Miyeon abruptly stood up and bowed, apologising sincerely. Jiwon was surprised by her sudden apology, ready to respond when Miyeon interjected.

"Tell your friends that I'm sorry too. I can't bring myself to do it because I'm a coward," Miyeon pleaded with Jiwon, who nodded quietly, promising, "I will."

With a nod of appreciation, Miyeon grabbed her lunch box and left the classroom, heading in the opposite direction of the lunch hall, leaving Jiwon confused but deciding not to ask questions.

Jiwon joined the others in the cafeteria but noticed someone was missing. "Where's Jake?" she asked curiously.

"He went to get his girlfriend," Heeseung replied, laughing. Jiwon was taken aback. "What?! He has a girlfriend now?" she exclaimed, and everyone nodded. None of them had met her yet, so they were all excited. Suddenly, Jake appeared, hand in hand with a girl. However, when Jiwon and Sunoo looked at her, their faces dropped.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Milli," Jake announced, Sunoo trying to smile, but Jiwon could tell it was forced. Everyone began introducing themselves, but Jiwon couldn't help but notice Sunoo's troubled expression. She knew he was just putting on a brave face.

As the introductions continued, Jiwon felt Jungwon nudge her, signalling for her to introduce herself. "Oh, right. I'm Lee Jiwon," she said, smiling and offering her hand, which Milli accepted shyly. Everyone turned their attention to Sunoo, expecting him to introduce himself, unaware of the mixed emotions he was experiencing.

Unable to find his voice, Sunoo remained silent. Jiwon noticed his struggle and stepped in, "And that's Sunoo. He's not feeling so well today."

"So, how long have you guys liked each other?" Heeseung asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"The first day I saw her," Jake replied proudly, glancing at Milli, who blushed in response.

"And what about you, Milli?" Jay teased, earning a shy smile from Milli. "The first day I saw him," she answered, causing Jake to turn red. Ni-ki playfully slapped Jake on the arm while giggling.

"Love at first sight for both," Ni-Ki chimed in, prompting laughter from everyone except Sunoo and Jiwon. Jiwon couldn't shake off the feeling of sympathy for Sunoo and found herself zoning out while looking at him.

Sunoo suddenly stood up, grabbing everyone's attention, and left without a word. Confusion lingered in the air as all eyes turned to him. "He already ate and he wants to take a break," Jiwon explained, forcing a nervous smile to cover the tension in the room.

 "He already ate and he wants to take a break," Jiwon explained, forcing a nervous smile to cover the tension in the room

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