Going out with a Whimper 🦴

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A few hours have passed since Ryan's first encounter with the Goblins, when he was traveling upstream, hoping to come upon civilization of any type. Sadly, all he encountered was Goblin after Goblin as he continued to push through those bastards while hiking upstream. What seemed like minutes of nonstop fighting came to a head at a cave near the river.

"Yeah, fuck you! You fucking prick! God! It's like I'm in a fucking video game!" Ryan yelled as he smashed a goblin and kicked it across the cave.

Ryan was struggling to control the increasing lust building in his body as he was killing another goblin horde that wouldn't stop attacking him. The result was Ryan being oversaturated with mana from the continuous supply of Goblins.

"Ahhh! Ahhhh! FUCK!" Ryan screamed as he felt himself transforming further into a female Dark Elf with his ears getting longer as well as his silky platinum hair growing down to his cute perky ass.

As he looked down at his body, Ryan saw his now almost entirely transformed female Dark Elf with slightly bigger breasts and broader hips. He knew that he needed to stop, but the mana from the dead Goblins refused to listen to his pleas. As his body continued to change, he became angrier, and he couldn't stop what was happening to him. He threw the Goblin corpse across the cave.

"Fuck you! Fuck your mother! Your brother!" Ryan cursed at the Goblin's corpse as he picked it up and threw it across the cave. He killed off the goblin horde with ease this time as his body was getting more robust with each green douchebag he slayed.

Ryan walked up to another dead goblin and looked at it. It lay there lifeless, with its tongue hanging out and blood dripping out of the hole in its chest. Ryan wasn't satisfied that it died so quickly and smashed its face in before kicking it across the cave in frustration.

"You stupid fucking goblins! You stupid little fucker! Why did you all have to attack me?! Didn't you see that I was stronger than all of you? So why didn't you all just run away?!" Ryan yelled out as his rational mind was struggling to keep control of his raging hormones. But his crotch was in extreme heat as the last bit of his manhood begged to be touched. His poor 1-inch erect penis was calling Ryan's name, and whatever will he had to stop himself from touching it was cracking.

"Why? Why do I need to touch myself so badly?! Aunh!" Ryan struggled against his primal nature as the heat was too much for his being to handle. The urge to relieve himself was taking hold. To masturbate these urges away.

His idle hands started to creep towards his crotch as his hip swayed in excitement.

"No! I can't do this! I'm a good person! A good guy! I don't deserve this!" Ryan said as he fought back his urge one last time. But his hands refused to listen.

"I-I shouldn't! Mmmm!" Ryan moaned as his hands made their way to their destination and finally touched his sad tiny cock through his pants. "I-I must resist! I can't-Aungh!" Ryan groaned as his hand slipped inside the waistband of his pants and began to move faster.

Ryan's eyes widened as his body began to betray him. "Nooooo!..." Ryan whispered as his hand moved faster and faster around his groin, causing jolts of pleasure to shoot up and down his body. It didn't take long before the fly to his pants opened up to expose his painfully erect cock to the world.

"M-My cock is so small!? What is this!? Aungh!" Ryan gasped as his hand worked faster and faster. Rubbing up and down to his cock while it started to shrink in his fingers.

Ryan couldn't hold on any longer as his fingers touched the soft skin of his shrinking cock. "Aaaah! My penis!" Ryan cried out as his orgasm was coming fast.

Ryan's breathing picked up as he squeezed his cock with only his index finger and thumb. "Oh god! Oh my god! This feels so good!" Ryan shrieked while his body squirmed from the approaching climax.

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