Going Down into the Labyrinth.

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After the group finished eating, they packed up the campsite and prepared to move out in hopes of catching up with Marcus. Rya and Quinus walk around the area to stretch their legs. Quinus kept secretly glancing over at Rya to admire her figure as she walked along, oblivious to his gaze. After he soaked in the view enough, Quinus decided that they needed to get going. Even if all he wanted to do was stare at her ass all day.

"We should probably get going. We can't let my cousin get too far ahead of us," Quinus suggested.

"Yes, I suppose we should," Rya answered but then a thought popped into her head, "Hey, do you guys have any enchanted weapons I could use?" Rya asked as she gestured, swinging an imaginary sword. "You know, just to help me defend myself."

"I'm afraid not. The only weapon that has any enchantments on it is my sword, the Sun's Fury. Otherwise, we have a normal steel short sword...But I must say, I didn't know you knew the way of the sword, Rya?" Quinus said with a smile.

"Yeah, I know a little, I guess. But really it's more for one of my magical spells that can warp a bladed weapon into a whip that I can move around at will. The annoying thing is, I don't think standard weapons can take the stress of the spell and the blade will break after casting it once, or twice if I'm lucky. So it would be something I would use as a last resort until I can get a weapon that can withstand my Dark Earthly Blade spell," Rya answered as she rubbed her chin.

"Hmm? That sounds more like a Maja technique than a magic spell... Anyway, I know someone who could create an enchanted weapon if we can get him the materials, but it would cost you a lot of gold. But he's one of the best blacksmiths in all of Fiafyr and was the former Baron of Ironside. Once we make it out of this mess, hopefully, he will see us," Quinus said as he looked at Rya.

"Well, that's good to know for later. In the meantime, I'll grab one of your spare swords if you don't mind."

"Sure... Percy!" Quinus yelled out to Percy who was busy gathering all their equipment.

"Yes, my Lord?" Percy answered as he turned around.

"Do you have that spare short sword by chance?" Quinus asked as he gestured with his hand.

"Ah yes, My lord... May I ask why you want this short sword?" Percy asked as he pulled it out of a backpack.

"Can you give it to Lady Rya, please?" Quinus asked as he gestured towards Rya.

"Sure thing, my Lord. And I'll put a second one in her bag," Percy said as he handed the short sword to Rya, and they gave her a spare backpack to use.

"Thank you, Percy. Now come on, let's get moving. We need to catch up with Marcus," Quinus said as he grabbed Rya by the hand and helped her stand up.

"As you wish, my lord," Percy answered as he quickly went to grab their remaining gear with Sir George.

They all gathered their gear and set off through the cavernous cave to try and catch up to Marcus. Rya struggled to get used to her new body proportions as she kept up with Quinus. She could feel her breasts bouncing around inside her tunic and rubbing her sensitive nipples against the rough fabric, which she had no choice but to ignore. And her hips and ass were wobbling every step. It felt like it was throwing off her balance, but she tried her best to keep her focus while holding the short sword in her other hand.

'F-Focus Ryan! You're out of the pan and into the fire. So deal with it! Guh! I-I can't believe I saying this, but I wish I had a fucking bra... Fuck, it feels like my tits are gonna explode out of my tunic!' She thought to herself as she started walking behind the others. They were going through the corridor Marcus went through when Quinus and the others were fighting the goblins.

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