Dalia Nightshade

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"Hey, darky!... I would like to thank you for saving my life. If it weren't for your spell I would have died," The wolfkin said as she bowed her head. Rya looked at the wolfkin and saw that she had a bracelet on her left arm that glowed red.

"You're welcome. I guess I couldn't bear to see you die when I could do something about it... Even if it puts a bigger target on me," Rya said as she looked over at Quinus and gave him a wink.

"Ha! They would have to go through me, darky! I won't let any bastard touch her! You got that human," The wolfkin growled as she looked at Quinus.

"Oh!? Um... Prince Quinus is a good human, you don't need to worry about him," Rya said with a laugh as she took a sip of water from her water skin.

"B-But you have a slaver collar just like me! We have to run, darky!" The wolfkin said as she glared at Quinus.

"Our Lord Would Never Force Lady Rya or Anyone Else Into Slavery!!!" Sir George yelled out while he slammed his foot to the ground.

The wolfkin scowled at Sir George and turned to look at the other human standing next to him, which was Percy who looked uncomfortable for some reason while moving both his hands in front of his crotch. He seemed to be blushing when he locked eyes with the wolfkin.

"Oh! You're talking about my necklace? Yeah, this is an artifact given to me by the Dark Elven Goddess, Nils... By the way, my name is Rya. And the human you were glaring at is Prince Quinus of the Kingdom of Fiafyr. The other two are his retainers, Sir George and Percy," Rya said as she pointed to Quinus and Sir George.

"Kingdom of Fiafyr? I guess they're better than most but you should be more wary of these humans, darky. They have their cunning tongues to trick us," The wolf-kin growled as she glared at Quinus.

"It's Rya, not darky. And can you tell me your name?" Rya said as she folded her arms over her chest with a glare.

The wolfkin became panicked when her alpha was displeased with her and her ears drooped down.

"I-I'm sorry darky~ I mean Alpha. The name I give from my pack leader is Dalia Nightshade. I'm a stalker-brawler for my pack," She said as she lowered her head with a frown.

'Huh? Did she call me Alpha?... Haah... I guess it's a beastkin thing so I'll let it slide. Plus, she's been through enough as is. There's no point in chastising her over something so simple," Rya thought.

"Well then, Dalia. I'm glad to have rescued you. I can't imagine what you're going through... How were you captured in the first place, if you don't mind me asking?" Rya wondered with a sad smile.

"For my Alpha, I'll tell her anything!" Dalia said as her tail started to wag in excitement and her ears perked up upon getting some positive attention from her new alpha. "My bastard of a human slave master ran away like a coward when his bodyguards started dying from the horde. So he decided to leave his 'property' to distract the horde."

"And you weren't able to fight back? Did he leave you chained up or something?" Rya asked as she frowned.

"No, it's more complicated than that, Rya. I'm assuming you haven't dealt with slavers before, right?... Dalia wasn't chained up. She has a Slaver Bracelet, also known as being collared, that encumbers a slave," Quinus answered Rya while Dalia tried to cover the glowing red bracelet with her other hand.

"See that bracelet is enchanted with a magic that grants a slave master control over his or her body. The cheaper collars, which are very common, usually just weaken a slave until they need to be unburdened for fighting or physical labor. The master can remove the burden placed on a slave with a controller. The most expensive and rarest collars are called the Eldritch Bond Collars. These collars allow the slave master to have complete control over a slave's will. Luckily they are extremely rare and I think there are one or two demons in the world that know how to create them... Anyway, Lady Dalia's collar looks more like a common version, called the Laborer's Latch. It's the worst type of collar that has little control over a slave... Were you a part of the battle arena, Lady Dalia?" Quinus asked as he glanced at Dalia's wrist.

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