Heading East.

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Upon leaving the room, Dalia and Sir George stood guard outside the door. They seemed to be waiting for the two with eagerness. Quinus spoke first to his retainer.

"We're heading to the dining room to eat something before heading out. Sir George, how much more time do we need before we can depart for Ironside?" Quinus asked.

Sir George looked at Rya and then at Quinus. "Well, the captain of the Rangers said everything is ready to go now, My Lord. Marko Aitken has given the Knights horses from the stables and he's giving us a carriage with enough room for all of us. Percy is gathering enough supplies for our week's journey ahead and will meet us at the stables shortly. So, whenever everyone is ready, we can depart, My Lord," Sir George explained with a troubled look.

"Very good... But what's the matter, George?" Quinus asked concerned.

Sir George looked down and then up at Quinus. "I don't know how to say this, but Percy seems to be walking around with a bit of a limp. I don't recall him injuring himself during the fight last night and I told him to rest up, but he kept insisting that he was fine. Maybe he just needs to stretch a little more?"

Rya looked at Dalia, knowing that the wolfkin was knocking boots with him during the night. She wagged her tail happily, and said, "The little wolf is fine. I'll make sure he'll be in shape for the trip."

Dalia smiled as she turned to look at Rya and gave her a nod which made Sir George more confused than ever. He didn't know what the wolfkin meant, but he didn't want to ask either.

"When did Lady Dalia start calling him 'little wolf'?" George said to himself.

"Why don't you two come with me and Rya to the dining room? We can discuss the details of our journey while eating breakfast." Quinus said to Sir George and Dalia.

Dalia jumps up excitedly. "I haven't eaten anything yet. My stomach is rumbling like crazy!"

"Aye, I could use a bit of food, my lord." Sir George said.

So the group made their way towards the dining room. Rya followed closely behind Quinus, watching his back.

'Hmmm... Quin is a nice guy and he's kind of cute, but I don't want a relationship. Besides, he would freak out if he knew I was a dude,' Rya thought to herself as she observed her friends.

Dalia walked alongside Rya and whispered, "Is everything okay, Alpha? Do you need anything from me?"

The dark elf looked at the wolfkin and smiled. She was touched by Dalia's concern for her well-being.

"No, I'm fine, Dalia. Thank you." Rya answered quietly. "Let's go get something to eat, and then we can head out," the Dark Elf said and the group continued walking towards the dining room.


They made their way to the dining room where they found Mr. Aitken and Percy were already sitting at the long dining room table.

"Ah! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Breakfast is served!" Mr. Aitken said with a nervous smile.

Quinus looked at Marko with an unamused gaze and sat down at the head of the table. "Mr. Aitken... I hope no one has been thinking about betraying me over last night. It would be a shame to have Kishin lose a second Mayor in two days," Quinus threatened with a cold voice.

Marko's smile disappeared and he gulped audibly, "I-I would never, Your Highness... I've given all the information about the traitors to the Captain of the Rangers. He and his men worked overnight to rid the town of them. As we speak, they're being interrogated at the dungeon... I'm glad you and your party are unharmed after last night's events."

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