Vol.2 Morning Wood 🦴

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Quinus was carrying Rya in his arms as he found their room. It was a large living space with several bedrooms for the group to sleep in.

"Here we are," Quinus said as he laid Rya down on the queen-size bed.

"Hmm... Tha-nks Quin-n! You're the best Q-Quin!" Rya said with a smile as she patted him on the back.

"I told you to pace yourself," Quinus said with a grin as he walked over to the other side of the bed to sit down.

"But... I've ne-ver been dest-oryed by one beer before in my life! How could I?! I'm not a wimp!" Rya said with a giggle.

"You should take some time to rest and recover. You're still a young elf and haven't had the experience of drinking that much." Quinus tried to reason with her.

"Y-Yeah yeah! I need to s-sober up. But I'll te-ll you I can dr-ink two IPAs with no pro-blem!" Rya said nervously.

Quinus paused when he heard Rya talk about IPAs. That was a type of beer that wasn't brewed on Tertius.

'That's an American-style beer!? I-Is Rya from Earth!?' Quinus thought to himself as he tried to find a way to ask Rya if she was reborn on Tertius, just like him.

"It happens to the best of us... And the dwarves love higher alcohol in their ales... Hey?... What did you do with your sword?" Quinus asked as he started patting Rya's head. He wanted to make her relaxed so she might let more of her past slip out.

"Mmmm. Oh, I put it w-ith my pack." Rya said as she started to get more comfortable on the bed. The tips of her ears were a bright red thanks to Quin pampering her. 'Man... Quin is spoiling me again... This should disgust me... But... his strong hands... augh... I... think... I'm going to.... crash soon.'

"Hmm. What about your cell phone? You didn't lose that, right?" Quinus asked, hoping Rya would let it slip if she had one as he tried to help her relax.

"Oh, mmmmm. I-I left it b-ack.... at my....... apar-tment......" Rya said in a quiet voice. Her eyelids became heavy as she slowly closed them.

Quinus couldn't believe it, after all these years he's found someone from Earth. He thought that he was the only one who reincarnated into this world.

"D-Do you have a favorite movie?" Quinus asked another question hoping to get another answer.

"I... haven't.... gone... to... a... t-heater... in... a... l-ong......." Rya passed out before she could answer.

Quinus just stared at Rya's gorgeous face in awe. She was from Earth, and he felt so relieved that he didn't know what to do.

"I guess I've finally found a friend from Earth," Quinus whispered to himself.

"Sssnnnnnnoooorrrrrrgggghhhh..." Rya started to snore loudly as she fell asleep.

Quinus smirked and kept patting her head as she slept comfortably on the bed.

'You've become more important to me Rya. I hope you'll tell me more about your past when you wake up. But I'll let you tell me when you are ready,' Quinus thought to himself.

After five minutes of staring at her, Quinus decided to get into bed with her slowly. He was careful not to disturb her as he got under the sheets. Once he got comfortable himself he turned his head to the side and focused on her sleepy face. It didn't take long for Quinus to start yawning and close his eyes.

"I'm looking forward to learning more about you," Quinus mumbled.

Rya didn't hear his comment, but it didn't matter because the two slept together on the large bed.

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