Chapter 9

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What he was doing here? I never seen him on the bar. He lowered his gaze to Silas that were sleeping. I heard him chuckled and his sight went back to me. He looked at me sharply.

"Oh, hindi ito 'yong palagi mong kasama ah. Your new boyfriend? Nagbreak na kayo nong isa?" I could feel the mockery in his voice.

My brows furrowed, what he mean? Who is he referring to? Is it Harold? My heart tightened up. Does he really sees me that kind of girl? I faked a smile trying to mask what my heart truly feel. I am hurting but there's a part of me that happy because he is the one who started the conversation first. Maybe I'm really a stupid when it comes to him.

Even what harsh words he throw to me I could accept and stand it because it's him, as long it's him. I tightened my hands on Silas to support his body from falling.

"They're not my boyfriends, Michael. They're my friends. Where do you hear that thing?" I said smiling widely.

I saw his eyes brighten up but he immediately change it to his usual expression when he saw me gawking at his face. Why do I feel jealousy here? Am I just assuming it? I tried to suppress my smile but failed to do it.

"S-So what. W-Why are you very close, t-then? Why they always around you?" He looked away.

I bit my lower lip, he's so cute. Damn!

"Oh? Are you stalking me? How do you know that they always around me?" My eyes were wide.

The engineering building were far from the cm building tho. His mouth parted like he's also shocked with what he just said to me. He swallowed the lump on his throat like finding for words but he can't find any. I saw his adams apple moved because of the swallow he made. I fake a cough. My eyes didn't leave me as I watched him panicking for the first time.

"Don't play with me, Antonio. I'm not stalking you." He said in a hoarse and quickly walking away from me.

What? I'm not playing with him. I'm just asking. This snob man! You're just lucky you're my crush. Hmp.

"Oh wait, Michael! Could you help me with Silas? Please? Just put him inside his car." I pleaded.

I sigh in relief when I saw him stopped from walking. My smile bigger when he turned and took a few steps to go back where he stood a while ago. His forehead creased as he started to take off Silas head that leaning on my shoulder. I smirk secretly while observing him. Hmm. What's with him today? Why he'd help me. He's not kind of person that you can made him followed what just your favor.

"Where do I put him? In the backseat?" He asked as he supported Silas body.

He held Silas waist while waiting for me to speak. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. If someone were watching they will assume that I'm crazy.

"Just put him in the backseat." I uttered in a sweet voice without taking off my wide smile.

I open the door of the backseat so he could put Silas inside. I waited him to finished and kiss him on his cheek when he lifted his head. I could see the shock in his cheek after kissing him. His cheek were in crimson.

"Thanks, Michael. Bye." I mouthed and quickly went in to the car. 

I held my chest that skipping loudly and hysterically. I'd just kiss him? But I frowned when I realize that it was just in a cheeks not in his lips. Still I did kiss him it's not that important if it's just cheeks at least I'd kiss him. I jumped in surprise when someone knock on the car's window.

"Michael?" I said in a low tone.

He didn't leave, yet? His brows were shot and he look mad at me. Is he mad because I kiss him? My heart raced, as I opened the window. Despite the hysterical of my heart I still manage to smile at him trying to mask the fear within me.

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