Running Away

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It was late at night when Boney 10 came over to the shoemaker house, and let a deep sigh. Boney 10: "Well folks, today was not a good one for either Lapitch or his step siblings... Mr Scowler was really mad of them for speaking back to the Mayor's son... even though that rotten piglet deserved to be punished... anyway... the recent event was the last straw for young trio... as they begin planning on leaving the only place they've ever known..." said Boney 10, as the scene shows Tommy, Lapitch and Melody were together in a bedroom, thinking of their next move. Melody: "Really?" Lapitch: "Yeah... I can't take anymore of Mr Scowler's yelling... or that rotten piglet son of the mayor..." Tommy: "Yeah... not only did that piglet had the nerve to pull on your ears... but Mr Scowler grabbed us by the neck!" Melody: "Yeah... that was a little harsh..." Lapitch: "Well if you ask me, we should live somewhere far away from here, where that grumpy old master won't mistreat us anymore." Tommy: "I agree..." Melody: "But where will we go?" Tommy: "Anywhere as far away from here for starters..." Melody: "But... what about Mrs Scowler?, she treated us nicely..." Lapitch: "Oh... yeah... that's true... but even so... I can't take anymore of the way Mr Scowler treats us..." Tommy: "Me neither... we should be somewhere much nicer than this... are you coming?" Melody: "Well... wherever you go Tommy... I go with you... but are you sure we'll be okay?" Lapitch: "Don't worry, as long as we're together, we'll be alright." said Lapitch, before he, Tommy and Melody started packing some sandwiches and bottles of water into a bag, and then Lapitch puts on the black boots that were originally made for the Mayor's son. Tommy: "You're taking those boots with you?" Lapitch: "Why not?, they don't fit the Mayor's son, and Mr Scowler doesn't want them either." Melody: "But do they even fit?" Lapitch: "Not right now, but I'm sure they'll stretch out a little as I wear them overtime." Tommy: "So do we have everything?" Melody: "I think so..." Lapitch: "Then let's go before the sun comes up." said Lapitch, before he and his step siblings quietly open the door and went out of the house and ran off as fast as they could, already outside of the town before the sun begins to rise up. Melody: "So... this is what the world looks like outside of town?" Tommy: "Guess so... it's really peaceful..." Lapitch: "Yeah... not as noisy as there's nobody else around..." suddenly, the sound of some of the bushes shaking was heard, alarming the trio a little. Tommy: "Who's there?!, show yourself!" ordered Tommy, before a pair of hyenas, named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), came out of the bushes. Jokey: "Uh... hi there, do you have anything to eat?" Jokeo: "Yeah... we haven't had anything for a while..." Melody: "How long exactly?" Jokeo: "A few days now..." Lapitch: "Really?" Tommy: "Oh man... you guys must be really hungry..." Jokey: "Oh yeah... we really are..." Jokeo: "Ah!" shouted Jokeo, before he falls to his knees and grabbed one of his legs. Melody: "Are you alright?!" Jokeo: "Yeah... I sort of broke my leg when I fell from a tree last night..." Melody: "Oh my gosh... you poor thing... here, let me help you." said Melody, before she comes over to Jokeo and placed her hands on Jokeo's broken leg. Once her hands were on the leg, Melody's hands started to glow white, and Jokeo suddenly noticed that the pain was fading away, before the glow finally stopped, and the hyena boy got back on his feet. Jokeo: "Whoa... my leg... it's all better... how did you do that?" Melody: "I might have secretly teaching myself some healing magic from healing spell books whenever I get the chance... I never tried them on anyone besides myself and my brothers, but it looks like it can work on anyone." Jokeo: "Oh you have brothers?" Lapitch: "Yeah, that us, I'm Lapitch, and this Tommy, and the rabbit girl is Melody, our favorite little sister." Melody: "Uh huh." Jokeo: "You're siblings?, but uh..." Tommy: "We grew up together since we were babies." Jokeo: "Oh... well it's nice to meet you all, I'm Jokeo, and this is Jokey, my twin brother." Jokey: "Hi." Melody: "Well it's nice to meet you two as well... and if you want some food, we got some right now." Jokey: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah, and it is time for breakfast, so let's dig in." Jokey: "Yay!, we can eat again!" said Jokey in joy, before he and Jokeo joined Lapitch and his step siblings on having breakfast in the form of some sandwiches, which not have been much, but it was better than no food at all. Lapitch: "So... you guys are orphans?" Jokeo: "Yeah, we lost our parents when we were babies, and grew up in an orphanage before we ran away and tried to live on our own." Melody: "Why did you ran away?" Jokey: "Because the one in charge there always treated us badly... calling us freaks..." Tommy: "What do you mean by that?, you look like normal hyenas to me..." Jokeo: "Well... long ago, we ate some magic fruit that not only takes away our ability to swim... but also given us the ability to turn into either a mammoth in Jokey's case, or a giraffe in my case..." Lapitch: "Really?" Jokey: "Yup... watch..." said Jokey, before he and Jokeo transformed into a mammoth and giraffe, much to the trio's surprise. Tommy: "Wow... that is so cool!" Jokeo: "You really think so?" Jokey: "Everyone in the orphanage thought we were monsters..." Melody: "Well we don't think that at all." Tommy: "And you said that you ate a magic fruit that gave you special powers, right?" Jokey: "Yeah..." Tommy: "Well believe it or not, I too ate something like that... though it makes my body be made of rubber." said Tommy, before he grabs his cheeks and stretches them without trouble as they, along with the rest of his body, was made of rubber. Jokey: "Whoa!, that's a cool power!" Jokeo: "Yeah, how far can you stretch?" Tommy: "I don't know... never got the chance to find that out..." Jokey: "Then let's find out." said Jokey, before he and Jokeo grabbed Tommy's arms, and started pulling each way. Melody: "Big brother!" Lapitch: "Hey!, what are you doing?!" Jokeo: "Don't worry, we're just trying to see how far he can stretch." Melody: "You're not hurt, are you?" Tommy: "Not really... um... could you pull a little more... [Jokey and Jokeo continued pulling]... little more... [popping sound] ah... that's it..." said Tommy, before the twins let go of Tommy's arms, which retracted back to their normal length. Melody: "Tommy!, are you okay?" Tommy: "Yeah, I'm fine... thanks you guys... I've been trying to pop those joints for quite a while..." Jokey: "You're welcome... man... you've got really cool powers." Tommy: "Your powers are pretty cool too, being able to grow bigger and become stronger too." Jokeo: "Not only that, but Jokey can shoot ice and snow from his trunk while I can breathe fire." Lapitch: "Really?!, that's so cool!" Jokey: "Yeah, we thought so too... to bad nobody else did... that's why we left... we were tired of the mistreatment they gave us..." Tommy: "We know how you feel... for we ran away from the shoemaker shop as we were tired of the mistreatment that our old master, Mr Scowler gave us..." Jokeo: "Oh man... sorry to hear that..." Lapitch: "Say... how would you like to travel with us for a while?, I'm sure we'll find a much better place to stay." Jokeo: "Really?, you really want us to travel with you?" Melody: "Well why not?, the more, the merrier." Jokey: "Thanks... it'll be nice to have friends to travel with." Lapitch: "Then what are we waiting for?, off we go." said Lapitch, before he, his step siblings, and their new friends, begin traveling together and head off to who knows where.

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