A Day At The Circus

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It was morning at Miss Raccoon's barn, when Boney 10 was watching from a distance, before noticing the audience. Boney 10: "Well folks, it seems that the kids were finally ready to head back home, but a little worried about Dirty Rat and the Demon trio being on the loose." said Boney 10, before the scene zooms over to Miss Raccoon's barn, where the kids were saying goodbye to Miss Raccoon and the other farmers. Miss Raccoon: "Goodbye kids, have a safe trip home!" Lapitch: "Bye Miss Raccoon, we wish you good luck on fixing your barn!" called out Lapitch, before he and the others went off to find their way home. While on the way, they find Boney 10 sleeping on a log. Lisa: "Uh oh... another Demon dragon..." Jokeo: "Are you sure it's a demon dragon?, I mean he's got no wings... or a pitch fork for that matter..." Lapitch: "Yeah... you're right... but still we better not wake him up..." said Lapitch, before he and the others tried to tiptoe away from the demon dragon, only for Jokey to let a big sneeze that woke Boney 10 up, much to their shock and horror. Boney 10: "Huh?... oh hello kids... what brings you all here all by yourselves?" Tommy: "Uh... we were just... on our way home... you're not a... demon dragon... are you?" Boney 10: "Yes... but don't worry... I'm not interested on stealing souls. I gave that up a long time ago... I prefer coal anyway... my name is Boney 10, what's yours?" Lapitch: "Oh, I'm Lapitch." Lisa: "My name's Lisa." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Melody: "I'm Melody." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo... it's nice to meet a friendly Demon dragon." Tommy: "Um... why were you sleeping on that log?" Boney 10: "What?, even Demon dragons need a nap once in a while... but if I were you, I should get home as soon as possible... I've heard a rumor that the Demon trio was spotted in these parts." Tommy: "Yeah, we ran into them last night." Gidget: "They seemed to be working with the one called Dirty Rat, in hopes to get a mask of some kind." said Gidget, which made Boney 10 gasp in shock. Boney 10: "Oh no... not that mask..." Melody: "Is it bad news?" Boney 10: "Very... it's the mask that gives the Demon trio the power to transform themselves into the most powerful Demon Dragon... MegaTrog... the Dragon Devil..." said Boney 10, which made the children to gasp in shock and horror. Lisa: "You mean... the Boogie dragon...?" Boney 10: "Yes... the very same... and if they get that mask back... then everyone in all the land is in terrible danger..." Lapitch: "Then we gotta make sure they don't get that mask." Boney 10: "Easier said than done... those three won't let you stop them so easily... not to mention you don't even know what the mask looks like..." Tommy: "Do you know what it looks like?" Boney 10: "Yes, here's a picture of it." said Boney 10, before he shows the group a drawing of the mask, and Lisa gasped. Lisa: "Wait... I've seen that mask before!, it was in the costume car at the circus!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Really?!" Boney 10: "Then you must go to this Circus and get that mask before the Demon trio does... I would help, but I'm much too old for such action now..." Lapitch: "We understand... but how are we gonna find the circus?" Boney 10: "I do believe I saw the Circus passing by here just before I took my nap, that direction." Melody: "Really?, thank you Mr Boney 10 sir." Tommy: "Well we better be off, bye!" called out Tommy, before he and the others went off to find the circus, while Boney 10 waved goodbye to the kids and went back to finish his nap. Half an hour later, the kids finally arrive to where the Circus was located, and they were amazed by the sight of it. Jokey: "Oh boy!, I always wanted to see the circus!" Lisa: "Yeah... you would... unless you were forced to work there and the people there always mistreated you..." Lapitch: "Oh that's right... you and Gidget ran away from the Circus..." Gidget: "That's right... and this is our circus..." Tommy: "Uh oh..." Melody: "That's not good..." Jokey: "Why did you ever joined this circus in the first place if they treated you so badly?" Lisa: "Well... we've been in the circus for as long as we could remember..." Gidget: "Yes... and we don't know who our parents are, so we didn't had anywhere else to go..." Jokeo: "Um... did the people of the Circus gave Lisa that X shaped scar on her thumb?" asked Jokeo, pointing at the X shaped scar on the mouse girl's thumb. Lisa: "I don't think so... for the people of the circus have no idea how I got it... I probably got it before Gidget and I ended up in the Circus..." Lapitch: "Huh... that's quite a mystery... but never mind that, let's go find that mask before those Demon creeps do..." Lisa: "Yeah... but we need to be careful, for if the Ringmaster sees me or Gidget... he'll force us to work for him again..." Gidget: "She's right... and there's a chance he'll try forcing you guys to work for him too..." Melody: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "Right... be stealthy..." said Tommy, before he and the others went to be stealthy as they quietly walk around the Circus, making sure that nobody noticed them. Jokey and Jokeo noticed a Merry-Go-Round and decided to try it out, and Lisa wanted to try it too. Lisa: "Wee!, I always loved the Merry-Go-Round!" Lapitch: "Lisa!, keep it down, you said it yourself that we can't let anyone know we're here." Lisa: "Oh right... sorry... I just couldn't resist the Merry-Go-Round..." Jokey: "I don't blame ya, these horsy(s) are really fun to ride on." Jokeo: "Can't argue with that." Melody: "Can I ride too?" Tommy: "I don't know..." Melody: "Please~." asked Melody with cute baby eyes that made Tommy sigh in defeat. Tommy: "Oh... alright... but just for a minute." Melody: "Thank you big brother!, come on." said Melody, before she and the others went to join the others on riding the Merry-Go-Round. Soon, once they were done, they continued their search for the Mask of MegaTrog, until they got inside the main circus tent, and then they heard someone coming and they went to hide somewhere, before they see Dirty Rat coming in with a fox known as the Ringmaster (voiced by Robert O Smith), who was Lisa and Gidget's former Circus boss. Ringmaster: "So Dirty Rat... you're giving me a horse in exchange for another and this mask here?" Dirty Rat: "Of course, just like those little girls I gave you a few years ago." Ringmaster: "Tell me, where did you get the horse?, I don't want to have any trouble." Dirty Rat: "Oh don't worry, the owner is all... tied up at the moment, and you'll be so many miles away by the time he finds a way on freeing himself." Ringmaster: "Right... and this mask... what do you want with it?" Dirty Rat: "Let's just say I have some friends who have an interest in it... and the last thing I want is getting on their bad side." Ringmaster: "Right... understandable." Dirty Rat: "Good, now I better get going, for this is a treasure in a house with a blue star on the wall waiting for me to plunder." said Dirty Rat, before he and the Ringmaster leave the scene, while the kids had shocked looked on their faces. Tommy: "Oh my gosh... Dirty Rat has the mask..." Lapitch: "Not only that... he's going to attack Marco's home!" Lisa: "We gotta stop him!" Melody: "Yeah!, come on!" Jokey: "But how are we gonna get there on time?" Jokeo: "Yeah..." asked the Hyena twins, before the group noticed that Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "Kids... did you get the mask?" Tommy: "I'm sorry... but Dirty Rat got to it first... and now he's on his way to the house with a blue star... that house belongs to a friend of ours..." Lapitch: "And if we don't stop Dirty Rat... there's no telling what harm he'll do to Marco and his mother..." Boney 10: "Hmm... a house with a blue star... I think I know what you're talking about..." Lisa: "You do?" Boney 10: "Yes, and I know a shortcut on getting there." Melody: "Really?, can you lead the way?" Boney 10: "Well of course, after all, children shouldn't go out after dark without an adult with them after all." said Boney 10, before he and the kids went off to the shortcut that leads to the house with the blue star.

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