The Dirty Rat & The Circus Girl Pair

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It was morning when Boney 10 appeared and he was watching the house with the blue star on the wall, before noticing the audience. Boney 10: "Oh there you are folks, as you can see from the last chapter, Lapitch and his group have decided to go back to the shoemaker shop to make up with Mrs Scowler, and stand up to Mr Scowler... but first they must get back there." said Boney 10, before the scene zooms over to the house, where Lapitch and his group were saying goodbye to Marco and his mother. Lapitch: "Goodbye Marco!, it was nice to meet you." Marco: "Same here, good luck on your way home!" Miss Squirrel: "Be careful children, there's been a report that's it's gonna rain today." Tommy: "Alright, we'll keep that in mind." Melody: "Bye Miss Squirrel!, you and Marco take care now!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Bye!" so with that, Lapitch and his group begin their journey back home, unfortunately, while on the way, they took the wrong path and imminently got lost. Lapitch: "Um... I don't remember going this way..." Tommy: "Me neither..." Melody: "Oh dear... I fear that we might be lost..." Jokey: "We are?" Jokeo: "Well we have no idea where we are... and nothing around here looks familiar... so yeah... I think we're lost..." Jokey: "Uh oh..." Lapitch: "Don't worry... I'm sure we'll find our way back sooner or later..." said Lapitch, before he and the others continued walking down the current path they were taking. Suddenly, the sky began to turn dark as storm clouds began to appear, and rain drops began to pour down. Tommy: "Uh oh... I think the storm that Miss Squirrel warned us about has come..." said Tommy, before the rain began to pour much harder, getting the group soaking wet. Melody: "Ah!, we need shelter!" Lapitch: "Look!, there's a bridge, we can hide under it for shelter!" called out Lapitch, before he and the others went over to the bridge, and begin to dry themselves off from the rain. That was when Jokey and Jokeo noticed someone else hiding under the bridge besides their group, which was a scary looking rat known as Dirty Rat (voiced by Michael Dobson), who happens to had his eyes on the boots that Lapitch was wearing. Jokey: "Ah!, scary rat!" Jokeo: "Yikes!" Melody: "Hey don't be rude!, he's just a rat... sorry about Jokey and Jokeo here... they mean well... I'm Melody." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Lapitch: "And I'm Lapitch... what's yours?" Dirty Rat: "...Just call me rat..." Tommy: "You don't mind if we stick around here for a bit, do ya?" Dirty Rat: "Not at all, you might as well stay here, for it looks like it'll rain all night tonight." Lapitch: "Yeah... so it seems... well... guess we'll have to wait till morning to continue our way home..." Tommy: "[Yawn] Yup... we could use some rest..." Melody: "Night everyone..." Jokey and Jokeo: "Good night..." said the kids, before they went to sleep under the bridge, unaware that once the storm ended, Dirty Rat takes the boots away and ran off to who knows where. Somewhere at an old mill, the Demon trio were holding an umbrella, trying to avoid the rain as Demon Dragons were weak to water, when Dirty Rat came to the scene. Dirty Rat: "Where the heck have you three been?" ScreamClaw: "What does it look like?, trying to hide from the rain." ThunderSmacker: "Indeed, for water does not mix well with us." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Dirty Rat: "Whatever, I managed to get these boots?, they might be worth a few coins." ScreamClaw: "We don't care about that, what we really want is the Mask of MegaTrog, which you promised to get us once we get you rich enough, remember?" Dirty Rat: "Yes, I remember, but do not forget that I'll only give it to you when you do make me rich enough." ScreamClaw: "Well we might be in luck, for we overheard that there is some treasure inside a chest in a white house with a blue star on the wall." Dirty Rat: "Really?, are you sure?" ScreamClaw: "Of course." ThunderSmacker: "We've heard it ourselves." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... we heard..." Dirty Rat: "Hmm... well in that case, we'll go to this house later, right now I want you three to put these in our secret place." ScreamClaw: "As you wish Dirty Rat... but remember our deal... for there will be consequences for those who double crosses us." Dirty Rat: "Oh please, only a fool would do that." said Dirty Rat, before he and the Demon trio went off their separate ways. When morning came, Lapitch and the rest of the group woke up and Lapitch gasped in shock. Lapitch: "The boots!, they're gone!" Tommy and Melody: "Oh no!" Jokey: "Hey... that rat guy's gone too." Jokeo: "Oh yeah... I don't see him anywhere..." Lapitch: "How do you like that?!, that rat stole the boots!" Melody: "Are you sure it was him?" Lapitch: "There was nobody else." Jokey: "And he had that look of a bad guy..." Jokeo: "Yeah, he really did..." Lapitch: "Oh man... how am I gonna explain this to Mr Scowler...?" asked Lapitch to himself, before he and the others heard the sound of a pair of girls screaming for help, which made them run over to a river, where they see a little mouse girl and pink cat girl around the same age as Lapitch and Tommy, trying to hold on to a branch while being pulled into the water by a giant fish, trying to swallow them whole. The little mouse girl's name was Lisa (voiced by Andrea Libman), and the pink cat girl's name was Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), and they were in big trouble. Gidget: "Help!" Lisa: "Somebody help!" cried out the two girls, before Tommy stretches his arm to punch the big fish away, while Lapitch jumps into the water to rescue Lisa, while Tommy uses his extended rubber arm to pull Gidget out of the water. Lapitch: "Are you okay?" Lisa: "Yeah... we're okay, thank you for saving me and my friend here." Gidget: "Yeah, you boys really saved us, thank you." Tommy: "It was nothing really... I'm Tommy by the way." Lapitch: "I'm Lapitch." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "I'm Jokeo." Melody: "And I'm Melody." Lisa: "Nice to meet you all, my name's Lisa." Gidget: "And I'm Gidget." Tommy: "Those are some nice names, but what were you doing in the river?" Gidget: "Well... we ran away from the circus, for you see, the ringmaster mistreated us very badly and we wanted a better life... so we ran away and I was practicing my psychic powers when I accidentally used them to lift us up and dropped us into the river where that big fish was swimming in, and you can probably guess the rest..." Lapitch: "Gosh... sorry to hear that, say uh... if you want, you two can come along with us." Lisa: "Really?, you're all gonna let us join you?" Melody: "Sure, we be happy to have more friends traveling with us." Jokey: "Yeah, especially if those friends happen to be pretty ladies." Jokeo: "Bro, don't even think about it." Jokey: "Think about what?" Jokeo: "Never mind..." Tommy: "Wait... you said that you have psychic powers?" Gidget: "Yup, like mind reading, lifting things up with a thought, teleporting, stuff like that." Tommy: "Cool, I got powers too, they make my body be made of rubber." Jokey: "I can turn into a mammoth." Jokeo: "I can turn into a giraffe." Melody: "And I can heal myself and others." Lisa: "Wow, sounds like a lot of you have amazing gifts." Tommy: "Yeah... I guess you could say that..." Lapitch: "Come on everyone, we gotta find our way home." Gidget: "I can use clairvoyance to find the nearest village... [using her psychic powers to find the nearest village and sees it] got it... there's a village about... that way, follow me." said Gidget, before she heads off to the village, while the others followed behind her.

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