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It was morning when Lapitch and his group came back to Marco's house and told him and his mother about what happened last night. Lapitch: "So you don't have to worry about your treasure getting stolen anymore, cause Dirty Rat and MegaTrog are gone for good." Miss Squirrel: "What treasure?, we don't have any treasure." Marco: "Yeah we do, the treasure that dad gave us before he left." Miss Squirrel: "Oh I see... that treasure, well it's not that kind of treasure." Tommy: "What do you mean?" Miss Squirrel: "Let me show you." said Miss Squirrel, before she and the others went to the chest, and she opened it to show that inside was a bunch of photos, some clothes and some nick knacks. Melody: "Is this your treasure?" Jokey: "But... it's not gold or silver or anything like that..." Marco: "No, but it's something even better... our treasure of memories of my dad..." Lisa: "Oh yes... memories are a very important treasure to keep, that's for sure... I wished I had something to remember my parents..." Gidget: "We all do Lisa... we all wish for that too..." Mr Scowler: "So the treasure that Dirty Rat wanted..." Miss Squirrel: "Was nothing that's worth in money very much." Boney 10: "Which means that rodent and those demons did all of that trouble for nothing... kinda funny when you think about it." said Boney 10 with a chuckle. Lapitch: "Do you think that your dad will ever come back?" Marco: "I don't know... but I'm hoping that he'll come back someday..." said Marco, before a knock on the door was heard, which caught the attention of everyone. Jokeo: "Now who could that be?" Miss Squirrel: "I'll get it." said Miss Squirrel, before she opens the door and gasped when she saw a male squirrel, who happens to be Mr Squirrel (voiced by Terry Klassen), Marco's father himself. Mr Squirrel: "Hello my dear... I'm home." Miss Squirrel: "Oh my gosh... Marco!, it's your father!, he's home." Marco: "Daddy?... daddy!" cried out Marco, before he runs over to his father and gave him a big hug. Mr Squirrel: "I see you've grown some since I last saw you... sorry I've been away for so long..." Marco: "I don't care about that... I'm just happy that you're back... oh daddy, these are my new friends, Lapitch, Tommy, Gidget, Melody, Lisa, Jokey and Jokeo, along with Boney 10 and Mr Scowler too." Lapitch: "Hi Mr Squirrel, it's great to meet you at last." Mr Squirrel: "The pleasure's all mine Lapitch, I'm happy to see that my little boy has made lots of friends since I've been away... thank you." Miss Squirrel: "Yes, they're really nice children, especially Lapitch here, he's a really nice boy." Tommy: "It was nothing really, we're happy to be friends with your son." Mr Scowler: "Well as much as I want to know you more, we should probably head back home, for my wife's probably very worried about us by now." Lapitch: "Oh right, Mrs Scowler is waiting for us." Lisa: "And it's not polite to keep a lady waiting." Gidget: "Very true." Melody: "Uh huh." Jokey: "I hope she's nice." Jokeo: "Me too." Lapitch: "Oh I can assure you, she's really nice, she'll love ya without a doubt, anyway, bye Marco, and you too Mr and Miss Squirrel!" Marco: "Bye Lapitch, bye everyone!, promise to come back to visit again soon!" Gidget: "We will!" Lisa: "That's a promise!" and so with that, Lapitch and his group went off back into town and got back to the shoemaker shop, where Mrs Scowler was very sad, until she heard the door knocking and opens it up to see the group. Mrs Scowler: "Oh my gosh!, my husband!, Lapitch!, Tommy!, Melody!, you're all back!" Lapitch: "Hi Mrs Scowler, sorry if we made you worried." Mrs Scowler: "That's okay... I'm just happy you're back home safe and sound... and I see you brought some new friends." Lisa: "Hello, my name is Lisa." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo." Boney 10: "And I am Boney 10, a demon dragon, but don't worry, I'm a friendly one... unless someone tries to harm a child in front of me..." Mrs Scowler: "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all, why don't you come inside and we can get better acquainted?" said Mrs Scowler, before the group went inside and told Mrs Scowler about all the adventures they had together since they left the shop. Lisa: "So after we left Marco's home, we came back here." Mrs Scowler: "Oh my... sounds like you had such amazing adventures... but wait... you mentioned that you have an X shaped scar on your thumb?" Lisa: "That's right." said Lisa, showing Mrs Scowler and her husband the scar on her thumb, and they gasped in shock. Mr Scowler: "No... it can't be..." Mrs Scowler: "It is... it's the same scar that our own daughter had when she hurt herself long ago... not too long after she was taken away by Dirty Rat..." Mr Scowler: "And our daughter's name was... Lisa as well..." Jokey: "Uh... I don't get it..." Jokeo: "Me neither..." Gidget: "Guys, Lisa is the lost daughter of Mr and Mrs Scowler!" Lapitch: "No way!" Melody: "Whoa!" Lisa: "So then... I'm finally home!" said Lisa in joy, before she and the Scowler couple went to hug one another, happy to be reunited at long last. Tommy: "Wow... it's a miracle..." Boney 10: "Yes... I suppose it is..." Lapitch: "Say Mr Scowler, I just realized something... the boots are now fitting right now... as I stretched them out for you." Mr Scowler: "Oh the boots, I completely forgotten about them, don't worry Lapitch, you can keep them for you've earned them... and I know now that you'll be a wonderful shoemaker in the future." Lapitch: "Yeah hoo!" Mr Scowler: "Now then... it's time for a celebration!" said Mr Scowler, before he pulls out a violin and begins to play it, and it wasn't long before everyone started dancing to the music. As the group continues to dance, they started to dance outside and everyone in town noticed and enjoyed the wonderful music that Mr Scowler was playing, and it wasn't long before they too started to join them in the dancing. As the people of the town continued to dance, Boney 10 went to look at the audience one last time. Boney 10: "And so we come to the end of the story, where Lapitch, along with his friends, have not only become heroes, but Lapitch became the most respected shoemaker in all the land... as for Mr Scowler, his change amazed everyone, but not as much as his own wife, who quickly fell in love with him all over again... and eventually, when Lapitch grows up, he and Lisa would become a couple, along with Tommy paired up with Gidget... but that's another story... for now... it's time to go... so long folks." said Boney 10, before he comes back to join the others of the dancing, before the screen turns black as the story comes to a close.


Here is the movie that this story was based on, I hope you'll all like this.

Lapitch JDD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now