The Burning Barn

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It was getting close to evening when Boney 10 was looking at a nearby village, before noticing the audience. Boney 10: "See that village over there?, kinda cute, ain't it?, well that's the village that Lapitch's group's new friend has found with her psychic powers, and now they're arriving to the village, in hopes to find someone that can help them find their way home." said Boney 10, before the scene zooms over to the kids, who were looking around the village, before seeing a barn that belonged to a lady raccoon named Miss Raccoon (voiced by Janyse Jaud), who was having a hard time chopping wood at the moment. Miss Raccoon: "Oh my... what a chore... the day's almost done and I still have so much to do..." said Miss Raccoon before she sat down on a tree trunk, when Lapitch and his group came over to her. Lapitch: "Hi there, I'm Lapitch, and these are my friends, Lisa, Tommy, Melody, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, and we were hoping that you can help us." Miss Raccoon: "I would love to help nice children like you, but I got so much wood to chop right now... and the day's almost done..." Tommy: "Oh yeah... we can see that..." Melody: "Would it be okay if we help ya on the wood chopping?" Miss Raccoon: "Really?, you would really do that for me?" Jokey: "Yeah, we don't mind." Jokeo: "It's the right thing to do after all." Miss Raccoon: "Oh thank you children, you boys work on the wood chopping, while the girls here can help me on the cooking, a lot of the farmers are gonna come here soon and I can use some help on the cooking as well as the wood chopping for the fire." Jokeo: "You know... I happen to know how to cook a few things." Melody: "You do?" Jokeo: "Yeah, I had to learn how to cook in order to feed myself and my brother, for we love to eat." Jokey: "Nothing more true than that." Tommy: "Okay then, Jokeo, you go help the girls on the cooking, while the rest of us work on the wood chopping." Jokeo: "You got it." so with that, Jokeo goes to work on helping the girls on the cooking, while the rest of the boys go to work on chopping the wood, which of course didn't take very long as they done it pretty fast with their teamwork and all that. As the sun began to come down from the sky, the farmers returned and they were amazed by the food that Miss Raccoon, the girls and Jokeo made for them. Lisa went to put on a show for the farmers by doing some dances that she used to do when she and Gidget were working in the circus, and the farmers couldn't help but enjoyed the show, along with Lapitch and the others as well. When night came, Lapitch and his group decided to spend the night in Miss Raccoon's barn, and began to sleep while resting on the hay there. However, a few hours later, in the middle of the night, the Demon trio showed up, carrying the boots that Dirty Rat stole from Lapitch this yesterday. ScreamClaw: "I don't get it... how could that rat believe these boots are worth something?" ThunderSmacker: "I know... if they were a pair of gold coins or diamonds, I would have understand... but boots?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said..." said the Demon trio, before Lapitch and the others let out a yawn that caught the demon trio's attention, and the kids woke up to see that they were not alone. Tommy: "Huh?... who's there?" Jokey: "Is it Miss Raccoon?" Jokeo: "I don't think so... the voices sound like guys to me..." that was when Gidget's vision cleared up and gasped in shock and terror when she sees that a trio of Demon dragon were in front of her and the others. Gidget: "D... d... d... Demon Dragons!" shouted Gidget, which caught the attention of the others, who soon had their visions cleared up and gasped in shock. Lapitch: "Demons!" ScreamClaw: "Looky here boys, a bunch of brats who came into the wrong place at the wrong time..." ThunderSmacker: "I'll bet their souls will be tasty..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... tasty..." Melody: "Run!" shouted Melody, before she and the others try to make a run for it, hoping to escape from the trio of demon monsters, who shoot fire blasts from their pitch forks that hit the hay, causing a fire in the barn. While trying to escape from the Demon dragons, Lapitch found some stuff under the hay, before seeing one of the demons coming after him, causing him to continue on running away. ThunderSmacker: "Come back here!, you little brats!" Jokey: "So you can steal our souls?!, now way!" ScreamClaw: "You can run, but can't hide, not while this place is on fire... [blinking twice] wait... this barn is on fire?!" Gidget: "Well of course it is!, you're the ones who started the fire!" SpaceWarp: "Oops..." ThunderSmacker: "You think Dirty Rat is gonna be mad?" ScreamClaw: "Probably..." said the Demon trio, before Miss Raccoon and the other farmers came to the scene and brought buckets of water to put out the fire, while the Demon trio were forced to make a retreat. Miss Raccoon then stepped on a broken floor board, and she almost fell through it, when Lapitch and the other kids caught her arm just in the nick of time, saving her in the process, causing the other farmers to cheer for the kids' heroics. Later, after putting out the fire, Lapitch got his boots back and soon the farmers found their stuff too. Miss Raccoon: "I don't believe it... those rotten Demon dragons were stashing everyone's stuff in my own barn..." Jokey: "And that rat was the one stealing the stuff for them to stash." Miss Raccoon: "Rat?" Jokey: "Yeah, we saw this tall rat with worn out clothes and had creepy green eyes." Miss Raccoon: "Oh my... that was Dirty Rat, the meanest and most wanted thief in all the land!, so he and those Demon dragons were behind their thievery going on here..." Tommy: "Looks like it... but why?" Gidget: "They made a deal with Dirty Rat, helping him get rich so he can give them the Mask of MegaTrog in return..." Jokeo: "Really?" Melody: "How do you know that?" Lisa: "Did you read those monsters' minds?" Gidget: "Yeah... I heard their thoughts before I woke up..." Lapitch: "What's the Mask of MegaTrog?" Tommy: "No idea... I've never heard of it until now." Miss Raccoon: "Oh my... if the Demon Dragons want it, then it must be something very powerful and very dangerous..." Melody: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be okay... I hope..." said Tommy, even though he wasn't all that sure about if things will be alright.

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