Chapter 28. A Den to Rest In 3

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-Luca Continued.....

Micah watches Christine leave, a hint of frustration clouding his face, but he doesn't say anything. The tension is still thick between us and whatever is happening between Christine and Micah is not helping things. The only thing these sibling can agree on is the kids.

I look towards the children. The movie plays, the room is filled with soft, flickering light, and the children's tired eyes stay glued to the screen. Eloise and Lana are already half-asleep, nestled into the plushies I handed them earlier. I reach over and place my hand over Micah's and he turns his gaze to me.

"Can you relax? Don't forget we have six little ones that need us most of all." I remind him and he visibly relaxes.

"You're right." He says looking to the children who are still engrossed with the screen. He lifts the remote and pauses the movie.

"We can finish the movie after bath time." I tell the kids and get not one reply. If it was the orphanage there would be a wave of awes.

I try not to feel unnerved from the way they just stare with hollow eyes as I stand up. I first hoist Eloise up and onto my hip while she clutches tightly to her fuzzy purple unicorn. After I adjust Eloise comfortably I reach my hand out to Lana. She's cuddled into Jason's lap and he helps her to stand as her little hand reaches for mine. She's still clutching her pink plushie wolf in her other arm. I have no intention of taking them away until absolutely necessary.

Their tiny bodies seem so fragile, wrapped in those oversized hospital gowns. It makes my heart ache to think of everything they've been through, but there's no time for that now.

"Come on, girls," I say gently as I lead them from the tent.

As I reach the door I glance back at Micah. He's still sitting on the rug, his eyes now trained on the boys, who simply blink back at him. For a moment, I consider going back to help him, but I stop myself. I decide to trust him with the task. It's what Snow would do.

S: 🧠 Sure is.
He replies and I roll my eyes.

Lc: 🧠 When did you get back?

S: 🧠 A few minutes ago. Are you ok?

Lc: 🧠 You care now?

S: 🧠 Don't be cross. Our puppy was sad.

Lc: 🧠 Is he ok now?

S: 🧠 Yes. He wasn't mad at you. He's just upset. I told him he should talk to you.

Lc: 🧠 Will he?

S: 🧠 I think he'll try. Will you be patient with him?

Lc: 🧠 I'm not sure, honestly.

S: 🧠 Can you try too?

Lc: 🧠 I guess.
I reply wearily as I enter the laundry room.


Blaze is so unsure of himself that even I feel uneasy. We are near the bath but have yet to even undress. Still, I already feel a lot better being trapped in a steamy room with his pheromones. After a few minutes I find a platform to sit on so I can continue to watch him be nervous but comfortably.

R: 🧠 If I tell you a secret will you play it cool?
Raven asks me after a while.

Lf: 🧠 Secret? Don't I know what you know?

Raven laughs,
R: 🧠 You know what I want to share.

I frown,
Lf: 🧠 Oh. Yeah, I'll play it cool.

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