Chapter 2: Flashback part 2

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As you walked down the hall towards the Bridge of the Tantive IV where you figured Leia would be, lost in your thoughts, you ran into a brick wall. At least that's what it felt like. You rubbed your head where you bumped it.

"Ow," you said in a tone as if to make the other person apologize. But instead you felt strong arms almost suffocate you up in a hug.

"(Y/N)!" As soon as you heard his voice, you couldn't help the smile crept onto your face.

"Poe!" You sunk into the hug and hugged him back, breathing in the familiar masculine scent of leather and smoke. After a moment he finally let you go, but placed his hands on your shoulders as he studied you. His deep brown eyes searching yours. You looked down. He probably noticed the dark circles under your eyes from not getting a good night's sleep for the past three days. But either he didn't notice, or decided not to bring it up. Because all he did was give you a sympathetic expression and say,

"I haven't seen you for a few days," he smiled that beautifully handsome smile that always secretly gave you butterflies. "BB-8 and I have missed you around the hangar." He lightly jerked his chin to his side, gesturing to the little astromech droid beeping an excited greeting.

"Hey BB-8." You said with a warm smile.

You turned back to Poe and his smile slowly faded as he said, "Hey we heard about what happened to your parents. I'm real sorry bout all that." He gave a half smile, his words laced with solace.

You nodded, forcing a half smile onto your own face. "Yeah, it's... It's a lot but, I'll be fine." You put on what you hoped looked like a full, genuine smile.

He gave a slight nod. "Finn and Rey have been looking for you. They've been wondering if you were all right." He said, his eyes searching yours.

"You can tell them I'm fine," you said. "I-"

"Tell them yourself." Poe cut you off with a wide smile as he stepped aside to reveal Finn and Rey standing behind him. You were so caught up in everything that you didn't notice them before.

They smiled, bright but sympathetic smiles. "Hey guys," you said shyly, a little embarrassed that you hadn't noticed them before.

Fin and Rey suffocated you in a tight group hug. Rey was the first to pull back. She looked you in the eyes with a relatable, caring look.

"I know." Was all she said before gently wrapping her arms around you again.

She did know. At least she knew what it was like to not have parents. A couple months ago when she and Finn first joined the Resistance and Poe had introduced her to you, the two of you instantly hit it off. She was like a sister to you. You talked whenever you guys had the time. About the Resistance, the First Order, about Luke, about parents... Her's had abandoned her, and now, your's had-

But you had Rey. It was oddly comforting to know that she had gone through something similar to this too. You had someone you could, a least a little, relate to.

And Finn... He didn't even know his parents. Not their names, what they looked like, nothing. It humbled you. You had lost your parents, but up till three days ago, you had known them your whole life. It made you feel terrible for Finn.

And then there was Poe.

Poe was your best bud. The X-wing fighter commander and you first met when you had first started fixing up X-wings at the hangar last year. Before that you had mostly just done random tasks around the Tantive IV. Cleaning windows, fixing minor electrical problems. But when you started showing interest in X-wings, your father spoke with Leia and got you working in the Tantive IV's large hangar.

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