Chapter 7: Petra

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"I'll take you to your quarters if you'll please follow me." She said, turning to lead the way as you stood up and followed her.

You didn't really seem to have much say in the matter anyway, so you figured you'd just try this whole force training thing with Ren and see where it went. So you followed the dark haired girl out of the room as she led the way.

The young woman looked to be around your age. She spoke as you both walked down the long hallways, many of which were filled with Stormtroopers.

"I'm Perpetua." She said in a friendly tone as she turned left to another long hall. "But you can call me Petra."

You nodded from behind her as the both of you continued down the halls.

"I'm (Y/n)." You said. It wouldn't hurt to make a friend so why not.

"The Force girl." She said with a kindly smile.

"The Force girl?" You repeated with a questing look.

"Word spreads fast among attendants and staff around here." She explained, noticing your puzzled expression.

"Oh." You said thoughtfully. You wondered what else the attendants or whatever they were called knew.

"Here we are." Petra said, stopping at a door that looked similar to the one at the interrogation room.

She showed you the pin to your room as she entered it in the keypad. The door opened with a hiss and revealed a fairly sized living quarters. The walls were the same color as the interrogation room, and the rest of the ship for that matter. The room had a simple bed with a small nightstand sitting next to it. Atop the nightstand was a new pair of clothes, folded neatly next to a hairbrush, toothbrush, other toiletries and an alarm. The room adjoined to a small bathroom that contained a toilet, shower and sink.

A question from earlier rose to your mind as you turned back to Petra.

"Petra, what ship am I on?" You asked curiously.

"Why, you're on Star Killer base." She said simply.

"Star killer base?" You had to repeat.

She laughed. "You seem to have a habit of repeating everything I say."

"Oh, sorry." You said, scratching the back of your head. You noticed your tight updo bun was loose and quite a few loose strands of hair had slipped out.

Petra seemed to notice you eying the brush on the nightstand as she turned to you and said,

"I'll leave you to your business then." She smiled and turned toward the door to leave when she stopped. "Curfew is in a bit, the Supreme Leader has given me instructions, I've already set your alarm. He'll be here within an hour of when it goes off."

They have curfew on Star Killer??

You nodded. "Okay. Thanks."

She smiled and nodded, then left, the door hissing shut behind her.


As soon as Petra left, you went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You hair was a mess, your clothes were dirty and you were pretty sure there was sand in your shoes.

Sighing at the sight, you quickly took out your bun, slipped out of your sandy clothes and eagerly hopped into the shower.

You let the warm water run down your body, releasing the tension in your shoulders and neck.

After a good while in the shower, you stepped out and dried off with a couple towels left by the sink before slipping into your new clothes and looking in the mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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