Chapter 3: A promise

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Present day:

"Hey," You heard a voice snap you out of your flashback. You looked up from the data pad that you had been holding, you'd already forgotten what you had been looking at lost in your memories. You looked up at Poe.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Me? Oh yeah I'm fine." You gave a small smile.

"Alright." He nodded with a small smile back before continuing with a more serious expression. "Well we got a new report that the First Order seems to have some business on Jakku." He paused to let that seep in.

"Does Rey know?" You asked quietly as you subtly glanced down the corridor.

He nodded. "Yeah, you know her." He chuckled a little. "She got all protective about the planet she grew up on and somehow, convinced General Leia to plan an ambush there."

"An ambush?" You repeated. "Do we know what they're doing there?"

"More likely than not stalk up on weaponry. We're hoping to catch them off guard and maybe blow up some ships." He said simply.

"Oh, right." You laughed. "Of course."

"Also," he continued, but his tone dropped and he seemed a little on edge as he said "The report did inform that Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, will be there..." He looked at you, waiting for your reaction.

You felt a surge of anger bubble to the surface of your mind as you subconsciously clenched your fists till your knuckles turned white. You took a steadying deep breath in order to keep yourself composed.

"I wanna come." You stated neutrally, though it was clear you weren't making a request.

Poe sighed "You know Leia won't let you. You're still relatively new to flying an X-wing and-"

"I've been practicing for almost ten months now." You cut him off with a hint of impatience in your tone. "Besides I've already gone on several missions and-"

"And Leia doesn't want you getting anywhere near Kylo Ren." This time Poe cut you off. "She's worried you might get hurt, what with your anger and what happened to your parents and all." He stopped, apparently worried he had crossed the line.

You scowled and pretend not to hear the part about your parents. "I can handle myself." You stated firmly. "I won't do anything reckless I promise."

"We both know that's a lie." Poe said firmly. "And after what happened not two weeks ago, I don't blame her for not letting you go on this mission."

You groaned and rolled your eyes. "I thought we dropped that subject. I told you, I had everything under control until that Tie-fighter just came up out of nowhere and hit my starboard. But I had it sorted, look at me I'm fine." You said, splaying your arms out gesturing to yourself.

"Uh huh, and that's why you nearly crashed and ended up with this." He carefully but surely grabbed you right arm and pulled back the sleeve of your tunic, displaying the sort of ace bandage that enveloped the wrist of your hand.

You rolled your eyes and jerked your arm away, wincing at the sudden motion and tried to hide the casted wrist at your side. "Minor injury, so what, I can still fly." You tried to shrug off the subject.

"This," Poe grabbed your wrist again, carful not to damage it. "Is not what one would consider minor."

He was so protective of you. Sweet but annoying. In the months that he had helped you with your training in flying an X-wing, the you two had grown closer and, as a result, shared a tight bond. Stubborn and overly-protective. Two qualities the both of you shared. It was something you both admired and hated about each other.

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