Chapter 1

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Everyone has a different perspective about life. True, our experiences vary far and wide from tragic to euphoric. For me though, the secret to living a life that is never dull, never constantly depressing, is wonder. Pass through life and gaze at everything as if it was your first time you have ever seen it and last time you will ever see it again. I'm not saying that this style guarantees you a life without pain, because believe me, as an 82 year-old with Alzheimer's, I've had my share. What I will say is that it sure as hell makes the pain easier to handle.

As my memory deteriorates due to the pestilent disease that haunts my brain, I forget little moments from my younger years. Faces, emotions, snapshots in time disappear in a wisp. Upon these pages, I resolved to record my time here. One old woman's heart preserved in ink so as to remember and be remembered. In this story, I will tell of what I believe to be the greatest love story of all human history: the story of myself and Calum Thomas Hood.

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