What a ducky hotel

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Taking each step with a minor miss-step and stumble, from a night out on the town, in whichever corner I just crawled out of. As I look around looking for a place to crash, then notice that up ahead of me there's a crowd giggling and mumbling about a commercial that's currently being displayed on the televisions, that to my surprise is still on at this time of night. I then slowly walked up to the crowd, with a small stagger and stumble, to see what the fuss was all about.

Staring at the screens, it was a dumb commercial about a hotel, with glitchy effects and stunted line delivery from a pale faced, long white hair looking moth woman, in vintage attire. I could feel myself artificially sober up as my face lit up hearing that they offer "redemption". I felt the corners of my lips lift into a smirk, thinking about finally being able to leave this place.

I swiftly ran towards where the advertisement said the hotel was, with a huge smile on my face, causing people to turn their heads and look at me like I was some crazy person. As I got to the gates, I looked a bit confused as the building looked different than on the commercial. Squinting my eyes as I looked up, noticing the "hazbin hotel" reassuring me that I went to the right place. I then remembered that I heard briefly about when the angels came down they destroyed a building before Lucifer saved the day briefly. I wasn't exactly fully paying attention to the broadcast.

I then shook my head, and pushed through the gate, taking a deep breath to not let my drunkenness take the better of me. As I walked up to the brightly lit building, adorning a statue of a fluffy winged dragon in front of the hotel. I look around my surroundings and up to notice two extra side elements to the building, a creepy red and black spire on the right with what appears to be antennae protruding from the top, then a round apple shaped glass room to the left, placed upon glowing towers that run down the side of the building.

Walking around the statue, to then notice an apple shaped glowing sign right in front of me before I go to enter the hotel. Again taking another deep breath and pushing through the doors, walking towards the check-in desk. Noticing no one is there, I ring the bell and look around the scenery of the room I have wandered into, wondering if any staff are even up at this time.

"Greetings fair lady! What brings you here of all places at this hour?" Uttered by an acutely tall and wearing red suit attire deer man, who has a smile plastered across his face. The sudden appearance of him caused me to jump out of my skin with a small yelp coming from my lips, as I looked back at him, staring right up towards his face.

"I...I'm" which I nervously say with a stammer, I pause for a second "I want to check in! Mr radio demon, sir" I exclaim trying to make myself seem more confident then I am, but having a slight shiver to my legs. I could see from the way he moved his eyes, that he was pleased with seeing me tremble from fear from him, even if the fear is only from him appearing out of the blue.

"How delightful!" He retorts enthusiastically, stretching out his hands as he speaks, before folding his arms down back behind him with his cane protruding out the sides. As I could feel myself getting over my trembles and fear.

"Charlie my dear! We have a new guest!" He shouts looking over to the left, as I look over to the place he's looking, and then seeing an exceedingly pale hand, grab onto the side of a door frame, that is cast within shadow. Before red eyes peeked out through the darkness. Causing my body to tense up, with a nervous smile plastered across my face. Before an excited slightly taller woman, with blonde hair, that was tied back, with it being into two sections, ran out towards me and held up my hands in hers

"I'm Charlie! Charlie Morningstar, the owner of this hazbin hotel! I'm so so... SOOoo excited to welcome you in for the path of redemption!" She blurts out, with a huge smile on her face, barely being able to keep still, and she moves in a slight dancing motion, she takes in a sharp deep breath, before she sharply pulls me towards another part of the hotel, causing my head to twinge, causing a headache to form, as I lower my head, trying to cover from the lights, still drunk even with how sober I'm trying to act.

"Here is where we do our trust exercises, and talk about our deepest fears, worries and.... Oh oh! I never got your name!" She exclaims as she turns towards me half listening trying to keep myself balanced and from being sick, I lightly lift my head with a brief smile. She goes to excitedly speak again, so I lift my hand to stop her.

"Charlie, ma'am. Could the tour wait for tomorrow possibly? It's a bit late, and I'm Y/N" I mumble, taking a deep breath, she nods, not taking any offence to my request.

"Oh right! Sorry" she pauses, lightly face palming "I'll go get you a key and put you on the list!" She added with a bright smile as she skips to the desk, talking to the radio demon about something. I could quite hear, she then walks back handing me a key, she directs me to where my room is. I nod at her tiredly before thanking her, as I walk up the stairs to the first floor, walking towards the room and opening the door. I crash into the bed, wondering why those two were even awake at this time of night. As I begin to doze off.

I slowly flutter my eyes open, still feeling like I haven't slept enough, hell if I know the time because I don't have a phone to check. slowly lifting my sprawled out body to check the room for a clock, not seeing one with my half assed check. Before I tightly scrunched my eyes, and held my head from the sudden sharp pain to my forehead. Pushing myself out of bed thinking that I just need to get some liquid to overcome this headache.

As I slowly walked out my room, I pulled the door shut once I was out, trying to make the least amount of noise as possible to prevent my headache from flaring up again. Hobbling myself towards the stairs, as I slid myself across the bannister trying to keep myself from toppling over. Looking around briefly to notice a notabley sized bar tucked into the corner next to the stairs across from where I was going.

Trying to get there only focusing on the bar, as I bump into a smaller humanoid shaped, white faced blonde man, who adorned a tall white and red hat that had a snake placed around its base. He was holding a rubber duck that he was fumbling to catch, as the collision of us caused the poor thing to fly up into the air. He goes to catch it a few times, dropping each time till finally he manages to catch it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't notice where I was going!" I blurted out apologetically, slightly bowing as I spoke, he looked up at me with a polite smile.

"It's quite alright" he responded back with a minor sigh in his voice, before he went back to mumbling to the rubber duck he was holding in his hand. I look on, a bit confused, but getting towards the bar. sprawling across the counter after I sit down breathing in, to see that the bartender is near my eye-line.

"You okay there kid? You look like shit" he asks in a low soothing voice, before he goes back to cleaning off the glasses near him, and drinking from one of the bottles, still keeping his eye on me, with a brow lifted.

"Yeah, just... could I just get something non-alcoholic?" I reply while scrunching my face as I rub my temples, he nods as pours me a drink, passing it over to me. As I roll my head up to rest onto my right arm, messing with the glass for a second. Before I slowly perk my head back up to take a sip. I sat parallel to the side of the bar, leaning my side against the table, as I watched the king pace around the room mumbling a monologue to a duck in his left hand.

"What's his deal?" I face toward the bartender with a confused expression but yet a content smile across my face as I watch him fumble and pace around getting his frustration out by talking to an inanimate object.

"Oh him? He's just stressed about somethin' or other'' he retorts pretty unenthusiastically, cleaning the cup I had just finished up with. Suddenly there's a high pitch squeak and crash into the floor, looking towards the king who is breathing heavily down at this poor rubber duck. Looking back up with a shocked expression, crouching down to hurriedly pick up the duck. He had an embarrassed red blush around his face, as he apologised before speed walking off towards the closest elevator.

I sat there looking a bit confused, not taking any mind of it as I could tell by his body language that something he either thought of, or happened when I wasn't looking annoyed him. Slightly smiling to myself as he looked so childish but in an endearing way, by the way he acted.

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