A shift in tension

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This chapter includes light sexual themes

After an early start to the day, Charlie squeezed in a trust exercise before Angel had to go back to work. The entire time Lucifer was around, he didn't look in my direction, though it didn't feel like negligence from his body language and facial expressions; he was just fidgety, along with being a bit distracted in his mind. Once the trust exercise was done, he practically vanished moving so fast from the room, no one was able to notice him actually going or leaving the room.

Going through the normal rigmarole of sitting on the sofa sinking down into it to think, waiting for something, anything to even happen. Alastor appeared over me, but because I had my eyes closed the only thing I noticed was that I was cast within shadow.

"Well if it isn't the majesties mistress" he teases at me, him suddenly speaking caused me to practically jump across the room, getting into a battle stance from the shock.

"You make it seem like I haven't come out of my room!" I noted, I then finally realised what he had said "mistress!?" I exclaim pointing across at him, he just smiles at me, seeming to enjoy my torment. I shake my head at him, flipping him off as I trudged away, heading towards the kitchen grabbing a snack to distract myself. "Mistress really? What kinda person does he think I am?" I think to myself, wandering past Alastor giving him a glare as I do, which seemed to make him look more pleased with himself.

I roam down the corridors of the hotel, debating whether or not to go see Lucifer, with Alastors words playing on my mind. Shaking my head to make up my mind, marching towards the elevator to go up to his room. Tiding myself up once I got in front of his door, timidly knocking almost as if this was the first time again. Waiting for a minute with no response, I gently opened the door to notice Lucifer was at his desk, sifting through paperwork.

"I'm a little busy right now, sweetie" he states, lifting his head towards me, but not moving his head to look at me. I didn't mind the nickname he gave me, as it seemed like he thought I was Charlie.

"Okay, I'll come back then" I responded softly, once I spoke he whipped his head around, with his eyes widened, scanning me from head to toe to make sure who it actually was. Turning back around, pulling the brim of his hat over his face, peeking through a gap he kept for himself, scanning his documents with his eyes.

"Come in, I'm nearly done" he nervously mutters to me, clearing his throat, still hiding his face away from me. So I mosey past Lucifer, dragging my hand across the back of his chair causing him to visibly shiver, hiding his face more. I then come across the bed dropping down onto it, bouncing slightly once I land.

He perks up looking towards the violin, neatening up the papers he has scattered around his desk, then stepping toward the violin and picking up. After he gets the violin he moves towards me with a soft smile on his face.

"Want another lesson?" Putting forward the violin, looking slightly down at me. I nod, moving his chair.  I then sit on it as I usually do, after sitting and getting myself comfortable he delicately passes it towards me, getting behind me as I place it over my shoulder.

As he's behind me helping me get my fingers into the correct positions, I could feel his breath which wasn't uncommon. But this felt different, it was heavier having his mouth gaped open more, with a hiss from the air hitting the top of his mouth as he breathed in. His hands also seemed to be shaking minorly, causing him to focus more on what he was doing, looking intently at his hands.

I turn to look back at him, we lock eyes for a second, then I lean my head toward his. Then before I knew it, with my eyes closed, he had leaned into me to share a brief soft yet passionate kiss. He pulls back harshly, fluttering my eyes open to him looking at me intensely with a shocked yet blank expression on his face, his face looking as if it completely changed colour to deep red.

He falls back onto his bed, crossing his left leg over the other. He looks up at me, his face still shocked blank, with his mouth open a jar, trying to process his thoughts and feelings at that moment. He then pulls at his collar, swallowing anything in his throat.

He stands walking around me, smoothly taking the violin off me, placing it gently on his desk as he passes by. Striding towards the door, gently locking it, he looks back making eye contact with me. He slowly put on a nervous smirk looking in my direction, stepping towards me, he placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up to him. Slowly placing his palm in mine, gently interlocking his fingers between mine.

He pulled me up with enough force that after I was pulled to a stand I lent back briefly almost as if we were partaking in the waltz. He guided me into a two step dance before he softly spun me, by the end he pushed me down onto the bed, his hands beside my head pin down my wrists, him being over me on all fours looking down at me. My face looked back up at him with a minorly shocked expression, his hat falling behind me.

"Damn... that was smooth, your highness" I tease, which gave him a gentle chuckle, his softening to a light smile, as he rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. He then places his hand over my wrist again, squeezing softly.

"Charmed I'm sure" he teased back, his voice being deeper by a fraction, I swallowed my saliva to the back of my throat as his face etched closer to mine.

When our faces were mere centremetes, our breath mixed for a moment, then Lucifer pushed his lips into mine. We finally lock, he loses his grip on my wrists, to hold onto the sides of my face, pulling my face up closer to his. Sharply exhaling he then starts to push my lips and mouth apart with his tongue. Forcing his tongue through my mouth to meld with mine, this going on for a while.

He pulls away sharply, leaving a line of stringy saliva attached to our tongues. He then put his hands back down beside my head, leaving us panting for a moment. Staring at each other, syncing up our breaths, I bring up my trembling hands to hold his thighs. Which from my touch made him flinch then grab my face to pull me in again.

Suddenly we hear the turning of a key in the door, Lucifer jumped out of bed instinctively covering me in the blanket, grabbing his hat as he rushed over to the door. The door opens a jar, he hides behind the door trying to keep the bottom half of him covered, it was Charlie who looked at her father with a worried expression.

"Charlie! How... how are you darling?" He stammered in a breathily shaky voice with a nervous smile, trying to keep in his pants.

"Sorry, you didn't answer I thought something might've happened to you" she replies not noticing the shift in her father's attitude. I try to keep hidden, keeping my breathing in as much as I can, breathing in heavily but quietly.

"Yeah! I'm great, I just got... uh preoccupied with paperwork, I have an idea for the hotel! How about you make things to put on the door to say if we want to be disturbed or not!" He proposes, getting more in breath, widening the smile across his face, Charlie moves forward slightly causing him to flinch minorly.

"Well! I should be getting this finished, I'll join you later okay? I love you!" He asserts, it was able to get Charlie to say "I love you" back and leave, she left with a small yet still worried smile.

He leans on the door to close it letting out a sigh, he walks back over to his bed, sitting at the foot of it. I sit back up to look at him, he wipes his mouth with a sigh, looking over to me softly.

"You should probably leave" he states calmly, tilting his head and smiling, confusing me slightly I couldn't tell what he was trying to convey.

"Did I do something?" I ask, which made him perk his head up, giving me a blank confused stare.

"What! No I just..." he replies rubbing the back of his neck looking away "I just have some stuff to do" he adds, with a light chuckle, looking down fiddling with his thumbs, keeping his legs together.  Looking back at me for a moment.

"Okay" I reply, stepping out of bed, about to leave the room, he grabs my wrist, pulling me down to him to a sudden kiss before letting me leave. Once I lift myself I look down, feeling my face get warm, rushing out the door with a small smile.

As I leave his falls back onto his bed, once I'm out of the room, pulling the door to a close, as I'm behind the door I hear a faint "shit" being muttered.

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