We did what last night!?

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Fluttering my eyes open, croakily turning over to my side, my brain refusing from letting me move out of bed. I breathe in sharply, before springing up, frantically looking around trying to figure out where I am. Pulling up the covers suddenly, to see...

I'm wearing my clothes from yesterday, I sink down into the bed looking confused up at the ceiling, having the covers pulled up to my neck. Shaking my head before getting out of bed and leaving Lucifer's room, holding my head from the bright light of the hallway. Stepping into the elevator and pressing to go down to the first floor, as it opens when it hits that floor, I trudge towards my room door putting my full weight onto it to open. Walking past my dresser pulling out a change of clothes, putting them on before I go to freshen myself up glaring back at my reflection in the mirror.

I step out of my room, taking a deep breath before confidently proceeding towards the stairs. Before tiptoe running down them, seeing Charlie give a huge wave at me, which I sheepishly waved back. Running a nervous smile on my face, Charlie scurried towards me, giving me a huge hug learning back.

"Are you okay!?" She breathes at a fast pace "Angel said you walked off and I didn't see you all day I thought something happened!" She mumbles, scanning me over making sure I was okay, I smile at her, holding onto her hand with both of mine.

"I'm fine I-" getting cut off mid sentence to "They just made music with me till late" Lucifer states confidently as he took a sip of his tea, being on the sofa behind Charlie being out of my eyeline, I could feel my face begin getting flushed. My eyes widened as I could feel everyone looking at me. Hesitantly looking up at Charlie who didn't know how to feel.

"Dad!" She snaps around, trying to figure out what to say before Angel blurts out.

"You and newbie fucked already!?" Waving his arms towards Lucifer, who once Angel spoke, spat out his tea everywhere, making everyone lighten up, but also confused on what Lucifer would've actually meant.

"What! Where did you get that idea from?!" He exclaimed, leaning his body towards the direction of Angel, pointing towards him. Charlie looks over at the two fed up, squeezing in between her eyes.

"Dad, what exactly were you two doing?" She remarks, looking towards Lucifer, as I wander over to the bar,where Husker was drinking watching over the chaos that Lucifer put himself into.

"Oh right... uhhh" he sits up cleaning his throat, realigning his bow tie, not making himself look any better at the moment "I was teaching them how to play violin, and they fell asleep, so I put them in my bed..." he shrugs slightly with a nervous smile "I slept on my chair, wasn't a great night of sleep" he murmurs before he chuckles to himself, even with him clearing himself and me up, I could still feel one set of eyes staring towards my head.

I sink into the bar counter, putting my head into my arms, asking for Husker to just get me anything. Suddenly I feel a soft hand rest on my back, then floating strands of blonde coloured hair brush past my face. I swiftly jolted my head back up and looked towards Lucifer, he had an earnest expression across his face.

"Sorry for embarrassing you" he smiles at me sweetly, placing his hand on the back of mine "how about I make you some pancakes to make it up to ya!" He exclaims, winking at me as he nudges his elbow into my arm lightly. I nod lightly at him, causing him to chipperly march towards the kitchen, Husker lets out a deep grunt.

"Maybe he should think before he speaks" he mumbles, cleaning the glass I had just finished up, resting my head back into my folded arms. Slowly breathing into them, closing my eyes a second. As soft a hand touches my back again, lightly tapping.

"I got you, your pancakes'' Lucifer whispered in my ear softly, so I lifted my hand and moved my arms so he could place down the plate. We give each other a soft smile, as I do from the corner of my eye I notice Vaggie glaring over at me, figuring out what my intentions are written all across her face. I shake it off and get to eating, trying to make small talk to Husker who wasn't any better at it then I am.

After finishing up, I take my plate to the kitchen, before Lucifer swoops in to clean the plate I was holding and other dishes that were left. He smiles at me.

"I can teach you more today if you want?" He requests, before humming to himself I just stand there for a second.

"Sure, but tonight, I wanna sleep in my own bed" I remarked at him, he looks towards me with a big toothy grin and nods, drying up then putting away the plate. He just walks off, keeping his head held high.

I think to myself, "He seems to be happier?" My face beaming slightly. I catch up to Lucifer, patting his arm slightly, stopping him in his tracks, looking up at me tilling his head then goes "hm?" At me

"I was wondering, why did you let me sleep in your bed?" I ask, he looks to the side, holding the back of his neck with his right hand rubbing it softly.

"I just didn't want to bother you, and you look so peaceful" he responds look back up at me, his face brightens slightly, holding onto one of my hands

"I did also help you with the pain on your fingers" he added to his previous statement, I failed to notice the pain from my right hand, primarily forgetting I even had pain last night. I sigh then smirked at him, patting the top of his hat, causing it to fall over his face. He sorts it and once he puts it back in its spot he glares up at me, I chuckle down at him.

"What is going on over here?" Alastors voice materialises just after he does, the sudden appearance of alastor made me hop out of my skin and behind Lucifer. Lucifer sighs.

"I don't think it's a good idea to scare... guests!" He demands with a growl to his voice, his face changing to an unamused agitated glare at alastor. Lucifer also folded his arms, turning his body away from Alastor like an upset child. I take a deep breath moving form behind Lucifer

"Just chatting! Getting to know people ain't bad" I respond to Alastor's question, as he giggles at me.

"Making connections is quite a blast isn't it?" Looking towards Lucifer with furrowed brows, his smile lifted on one side. Lucifer looking up at him from the side, I just stand there practically in the middle of this.

"Oh right, unless it's with vermin like you" He opined towards Alastor, I step up and push Lucifer away, which gets him taken aback. I smile and walk back up to Alastor to talk to him more as I haven't much since I got here. Lucifer looks like I had just betrayed him, but he looks to let it go and wanders off, still seemingly annoyed about Alastor.

"What would Charlie think of you trying to seduce her father?" He bickers, looking down at me with unamused eyes. I realback a bit, Glancing up at him with some flush across my face, shaping my head.

"Seduce? No, I am not trying to seduce anyone!" I reply hurriedly, he looks down at me with a brow raised.

"If you say so!" He remarks as he graciously marches off, turning myself into his direction.

"Do you not like people making connections!?" I shout across to him, he waves at me as he keeps moving. I go sit down on the sofa, sinking myself down into it, crossing my arms and pouting.

"He's so mean" I professed out loudly to myself, with a huff to my voice. Tapping my foot lightly, perking up as I realise Lucifer isn't around. I just get back up, waving bye saying "I'm going to my room" but instead walks to the elevator to get to Lucifer's room.

Once I arrive at his door, I lightly knock, waiting for his approval to go in. Which not long after I hear, pushing the door open to see he's working on another duck. I saunter over to his desk, softly putting my hand down on it.

"What ya making?" I asked softly, I could see that he jumped out of his skin, swiftly trying to hide what he was working on.

"Oh! Hey Y/N! It's nothing, just a silly little duck" he responds, looking up at me with a nervous smirk, fumbling around with a drawer on his desk, trying to hurriedly place the duck inside.

"So! Are you back for another lesson?" He asks, nudging my side with his elbow, I shake my head with a sigh.

"No, I think Charlie is doing one of those exercises today" I take a deep breath "and she'll definitely want me to be there, and you also" I add, leaning against his desk. He puts his hand over the back of mine, looking up at me with a smile.

"We should probably go down and wait to see if she does one of those exercises" I recommend, he smiles up at me and nods. We go down to wait, and to my assumption she does do the expected trust exercise. We take part in it then afterwards doing the promised lesson with Lucifer.

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