Feelings are confusing

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Today was like any other day, getting up, cleaning myself up and going to where everyone else was.

But instead of going to my usual spot, I instead turn to Huskers bar, not saying anything to the others. Falling into the bar stool, resting my head sideways on my arms, letting out a huge yawn.

"Have you even slept?" Husker asks, looking down at me confused, I shakily lift my hand that felt heavy, my index and thumb being close together to tell him that I barely slept.

"Could I just get a drink?" I spoke with a yawn to end off "I just couldn't sleep well" I add, he looked down at me a little worried with a hint of a confused facial expression, taking a quick swig of the bottle he was holding. He takes a deep breath before pointing at me.

"Do you think that's the best idea?" he sighs, which made me perk up in a huff, trying to think of a comeback, but I realise he's right.

"A non alcoholic drink then?" I sigh, going to lay back down on my arms again, stop because Husker passes me a glass, he looks to me. His face is still a little confused.

"So you gonna tell me why you didn't sleep?" he asks, taking another sip of his bottle, I sigh passing my empty cup, that I just chugged down like it was a shot.

"It's just-" I get cut off by Alastor doing his common trick of appearing from out of the shadows, I nearly fall off the stool, glaring at him as he lightly chuckles.

"One day you'll do that and I'll hurt you!" I threaten, pulling up my fists at him, a deep frown across my face with furrowed eyebrows. He chuckles, pushing my fists down with his finger.

"I'd like to see you try" his static filling his voice, his soft smile turned to a sharp grin, then back after he finished talking, I just glared back at him. Husker stepped away, not wanting to be in the middle of this, Alastor rubbed his finger across his chest as if he got something on it and was cleaning it away.

"You don't look so blue... did his majesty tell you he doesn't want to see you anymore?" He observes, turning to look at Lucifer, pointing at him, then turning his head back at me. My face softens, still annoyed, sighing at him, turning back to the bar, shaking my head.

"No... well kinda but no!" I mumbled, he leant forward to me, with a wide smirk across his face, looking me directly in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" He taunts, standing up straight again, staring down at me, with a huge grin across his face. I stare up unamused, shaking my head at him, "hm?" Is what he does back to me bekening me to say it again.

"No LuLu didn't say anything like that!" I angrily bring up my voice minorly, he keeps staring with his smirk, enjoying agitating me. Lucifer, even though he tried to not react, took notice of what I said, but still spoke to his daughter about the hotel and other misdeeds that needed to be handled.

"Oh my, using nicknames, are we?" He covers his mouth, giggling softly, I process what I just said, looking forward, eyes widen. I fiddle with my thumbs, feeling my face turn hot, Alastor just chuckles, then walking away with a low hum.

I grip on top of my head, frazzling my hair for a few seconds, then sliding down the stool to walk to my room. Walking up the stairs, just as I turn the corner I notice Lucifer holding his conversation with Charlie and swiftly making his way after me. He wasn't the quietest but when he was close he did frighten me a bit, causing me to swiftly try to stumble into my room, he slid in just before I shut the door.

We stand across from each other, the air thickening to an awkward hum, Lucifer scans my room, it is still the same standard room I started out in, the only difference is I had a few pairs of extra clothing. He etched closer to the door, I watched as he moved, guiding my eyes as he did.

"What are you doing?" I ask, I froze his stance stiffening, keeping his hands behind his back, he was mere inches away from the door. His face slowly turning red, I look at him a little confused.

"Nothing, I'm just..." he replies before... click! He had just locked the door behind him, giggling lightly, I don't even think he had any idea of what he was doing. I slowly ambled towards him, he looked upon me approaching his mouth quivering into a small smile, still tensing his body acting almost like a child who was about to be told off.

Once I'm in front of him, he keeps reverting his eyes away from my direction, I put my hand under his chin. He shivered from my touch, I pushed his face up gently to look at me, he kept his eyes reverted with brief glances up at me, getting increasingly more flustered as he did.

"Are you okay?" I question, he delicately grips onto my hand, pulling it to his face softly kissing the palm. I blush staring down at him, he pulls me close, bringing me into a hug breathing on me softly. He rubbed his face into my body almost as if he was a cat, trying to get attention, the snuggling from him caused my body to stumble back. He kept doing it till I fell back onto my bed, which startled him from us suddenly toppling over.

"Sorry" he mumbles, sinking his head down into his shoulders, his voice reverberating into my body. I move my hand to his chin, pulling his head up delicately, looking into each other's eyes, he looks at me with an innocent expression.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" I ask, his face giving an innocent frown, he shakes his head softly. I pull him up so he's closer to my head, struggling slightly. He rolls over to his back lying next to me, chuckling softly.

"Unless you want it to be on purpose?" He turns his head to look at me, a small smile perched on his face, then exhaling lightly.

He moves his forehead towards mine, turning onto his side to snuggle up to me, feeling his body heat warming the side of me. A peaceful moment, I could see his eyes looking up at me.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay" he sighs, the hot air of his breath hitting my neck "you look off today" he rolled onto his back again, fiddling with his fingers, looking at me from the side.

"I'm fine" I smiled at him trying to go to touch his hand, he gently pushed my hand away. He gets on all fours over me, looking down at me with a stern expression.

"That's a lie" he remarks, bringing his face closer to mine, his face still stern with furrowed eyebrows. I tilt my head smiling at him, huffing out my nose.

"It's not, I'm fine" I insist, looking at him, his facial expression changes, instead of his brows furrowed down, they furrow to be a worried expression. He looks to the side, reverting his gaze.

"But when you spoke with Alastor..." he lowers his head, resting his head on my chest gently, sighing once he's down. I slowly bring my head to his hair, stroking it lightly.

"I just didn't sleep well, and you worried me a little" I keep stroking his hair back, he lifts his head, resting his chin on my chest, puffing out his cheek from me petting him.

"Are you sure?" He pouted, still reverting eye contact with me, looking down. I held his cheek, which made him look up at me, I nod softly. I could see a small smile creep onto his face, he swiftly pushed his head down into my chest, searching his hand around looking for his hat.

Patting around my bed next to me, I sigh, stroking his hair again, running my fingers through the strands. Against my body I could feel a deep... purr? Emitting from Lucifer, goes limp resting his arm where he was patting around, he snuggled his face into me once again.

He jolts up, looking around, his face covered in a deep red mist. He bent down to my face, holding for a second waiting for me to reciprocate the advance he's hinting at. I hold up my hands, grabbing his cheeks pulling him down into a kiss. He hurriedly slides down off the bed, grabbing his hat turning around as he places it on his head.

"Soo uh, same time tonight?" He shakily asks, turning his head back a little, just enough to where I couldn't see his face. But just enough to where I could tell he moved his head.

"Sure?" I chuckle, he nods softly, pulling down the sides of his hat as he goes to leave the room.

As he left the room, he clicked his fingers at me, with a huge confident grin and demeanour. His face still flushed red, he gently shut the door behind him, hearing the clacking of his boots get further from the door.

"He's so silly" I mutter to myself, smiling looking back up at the ceiling of the room I reside in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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