A trip down LuLu world

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For the record, just incase this gets retconned later within the show, LuLu World of course is placed within the pride ring.
Croakily I squint my eyes open, sprawled across my bed, feeling a twinge of pain on the tips of my fingers. Whatever Lucifer did last time to help with the pain last time, I definitely worked. But I can't just rely on him to solve my problems for me in this, I have to get used to playing.

Sorting myself out, then leaving my room, stumbling around the hallway, leaning over the bannister, plastically sliding down the stairs. Plonking myself onto the closest sofa, yawning as I wave to Charlie and Vaggie. Angel not long after joined us in the room, strolling down the stairs, Charlie perks up seeing him.

"Angel! Do you have work today?" She asks with a chipper tune to her voice, Angel looks at her confused with sleep still in his eyes, rubbing his eyes.

"No? Why?" he replies, stretching as he sits on a sofa. Charlie looks as if she is going to explode.

"I thought" she breathed in sharply "what if we did a hotel day out!" She claps, bouncing with her knees. Lucifer walks in with a cup of tea and sits next to me exchanging pleasantries with everyone.

"I'm down, getting out other than work would be nice" Angel expresses, leaning back on the sofa, I nod along with what he's saying.

"How about we go to Lulu world" Lucifer proposes, taking a sip of his tea, Charlie looks over to him with a slightly confused face on her.

"But dad... don't you own Lulu world?" she notes, fiddling around with her hands, then stroking through her hair. With a small smile on her face.

"Exactly!" He clicks his fingers at her "free admissions, and safe!" He sings the first part of his sentence, giving a pleasant smile leaning forwards slightly. Pointing at the first two fingers like he was trying to count the benefits.

"How fun! A theme park themed all around your majesty! But I will decide to stay back and guard the hotel" Alastor states sarcastically, tilting his head back, looking off to the side along with one of his ears flattening back on his head. His expression of disgust through his eyes, Charlie nods at him agreeing that staying back is a good idea.

"Thrilling rides? I don't see why not, how about you whiskers?" Angel asks, leaning back on the sofa, resting his head over, looking towards Husker. Who just chuckled to Angel's request.

"If you can handle it, I'll be down" Husker points towards Angel, a bottle still in head, having a light smile on his face, and a brow lowered. Angel laughs at his response, smiling back at him before lifting his head back up.

"I'll need darling nifty to keep here to keep the place clean" Alastor remarks, picking up Nifty by the scruff of her dress.

"Keeping the place clean!" Nifty shouts manically, sliding out of alastors hand, aggressively sweeping the area. Then running around stabbing at the floor trying to find bugs, giggling to himself.

"So it's decided then!" Lucifer jolts up from the sofa, putting hands on his hips, then looks down at me "how about you?" He added, holding out his hand at me with a soft sweet smile toward me.

"I don't see why not" I take his hand, he pulls me once I do. I lock eyes with Vaggie who is glaring at me, I swiftly let go of Lucifer's hand causing him to look down at my hand confused for a moment. I smile nervously at Vaggie, who turns away from me to look at Charlie instead.

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