The left handed king

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A couple of days have passed since I checked into the hotel. Charlie has mostly been fumbling around trying to make trust exercises but having no luck in getting all the people together to actually make them work. As angel dust has had to leave early in the morning, or just after lunch, then to come back in the late hours of the night, meaning that thankfully I've had time to rest and get myself some more belongings for the first time in a while.

I sort myself out in my room, looking in the bathroom mirror, still not over my appearance, just thinking to myself 'why did I have to look so much like the parts I hate the most' I sigh, looking down before I ready myself up to go out of my room. I go gallivanting out of my room, down to the main stairs, walking down haphazardly.

Looking down the stairs, noticing that Angel is lying across the sofa, scrolling on his phone, he clearly looked drained from the multiple days of work, but I could see that he also had a good night's sleep. Getting down to the last step, I pass Angel exchanging pleasantries, before I push myself into the other sofa beside the one he's lying on. Looking around feeling as if something is missing.

"Do you know where mr. Morningstar has been?" I blurt out instinctively, looking around, as fiddle with my hands before I sink into the sofa, Angel putting a smirk on his face as he looks over to me from the side with a brow raised.

"Oh! Trying to get the big dick are we?" Angel remarks back. Causing me to perk myself up, which he notices. Lifting himself up from the couch

"I was only kiddin'!" He chuckles back in response to my reaction, still smirking at me.

"I... it wasn't very funny, I'm just concerned!" Pausing mid-sentence "alright!?" I hurriedly tried to combat, not making myself look any better. As Angel curls himself over the edge of the sofa he is sitting on, to get slightly closer to me.

"Alright, if you say so!" He pauses for a second "don't gotta take everything to heart sugar tits" he mutters back, with another chuckle. Before he moved himself back lying on the cushions again, going back to scrolling on his phone. He's still smiling from the teasing he's giving me, me not taking any mind to it.

"Wait so" I take a bit of time to process myself "is that room at the top his room?" I ask timidly, fiddling with my thumbs as I ask, trying to revert eye contact. I briefly see that he's giving me a side eyed smirk again, I take a deep breath in response.

"How dirty! Trying to bed Luci baby?" He teases, again bringing himself to the edge. He puts two of his arms on top of the arm rest, placing his head over them to prop them up. As he tucks his other set under his body, he lays there with a huge teasing smirk on his face. I keep my eyes reverted, pushing my mouth to the side of my face, fiddling with my fingers still.

He began to get disinterested with my minimal reaction, sliding and turning himself back into his spot, before waving his arm up.

"Yeah" he finally responds to my question, as I perk my body up from the sofa with a smile on my face, walking towards the stairs, seeing a confused look on both Husker and Angel's face.

"I'm going to my room!" I exclaim joyously, with a smile across my face, walking up the stairs, seeing Alastor appear seemingly from the ground, before looking around minorly confused.

"You aren't slick!" Angel shouts up to me, hanging himself over the back of the sofa, with a smirk on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him, when I was halfway up the stairs. I actually did walk towards my room, and open the door, but I don't walk in, I take a few pretend steps then close the door.

I look around for a second, then tiptoe run towards the closest elevator.

I press the button, and the doors spring open, so I step inside pressing the button to the top floor. Watching the doors close, and the feel of it sliding up the building, before it comes to a stop on a floor above. I tense up as the doors open to see Vaggie waiting behind the door, she looks surprised to see me here, as she steps in. When she presses the button to go back down, she turns around to look at me with pure confusion across her face.

"I'm checking out other parts of the hotel!" I instinctively come out, rocking back and forth on my feet. With my giant smile turning into a nervous one.

"Okay? Alright! Good luck with that!" she responds back, still looking a bit confused, standing further back leaning onto the back, we both stand there awkwardly till it gets to the top floor.

" well uh... heh bye!" I remark, walking out of the elevator standing outside of the doors, waiting till they close before I walk towards the king's room. Taking a deep breath, as I knock on the door.

Waiting at the door, I could hear shuffling of items and squeaking of rubber ducks, along with the clacking of shoes getting close to the door. The door swung open to a dishevelled king, taking a second to process before looking up at me.

"You've been absent for a few days, are you okay?" Speaking in a soft voice, cocking my head to the side a bit, concern plastered all over my face. As I look towards a tired unamused looking king

"Yeah, yeah... I do this all the time! I'm a busy guy, ya know?" He replies, letting out a sigh "being the ruler of hell and all" he adds to his previous statement.

"Well I don't know that, I was just making sure you're okay Mr. Morningstar" I let out exasperatedly, as he looked down, fiddling with his hands and ring, looking back up like a lost child

"You can call me Lucifer" he sighs "if you'd like?" He comments, twisting his ring, before opening the door wider, and gestures to come in. I look at him confused, he chuckles softly

"It doesn't hurt to have some company" Lucifer affirms, loosely gesturing towards the bed, for a place to sit. I inhale sharply, walking in giving him a soft smile as I go past him. Sitting on his bed watching as he moves his chair over, sitting on it backwards, then folding his arms over the back letting the fall over the side and resting his chin. Scanning around his room to see what is around, the area primarily being covered in ducks.

"What have you even been doing... Lucifer?" I sheepishly ask, watching as I see Lucifer walk over to his project desk and pick up an item. Then walking back, sitting on his chair, resting one arm on the back, and outstretching the other to show off a rubber duck resting in his left hand. Looking down at it, with a soft sincere smile.

"This one can walk" before his smile drops and he sighs "but it's lame" he throws it backwards, tucking his arm in under his chin.

"I can take it off you if you'd like, I think it looks cute" I could see him perk up, almost like a cat, at my comment. He swiftly stands up, turning to go get it.

"Yeah sure" he smiles, grabbing the little rubber duckie "here you go... uh... oh my golly I never got your name!" He states, as I let out a light chuckle, holding onto the hand he has let out that is holding the duck

"It's Y/N" I add with a smile while I look up at him softly, he smiles sweetly back to me, before I let go of his hand

"Well! It's nice to meet you Y/N" he responds, as I let go of his hand. Lucifer sits back on his chair, I notice a flash of a gold violin as he sits, perking up my head to look behind him. Lucifer looks at me confused, before looking back to see what I'm looking at

"Is that a golden violin?" I blurted out "can I hold it?" I look over at Lucifer, already standing over him, He nods at me, gesturing over to the violin. Strolling over to the violin, pick it up with my right hand, resting it on my shoulder then to pick up the bow with my left. Turning to Lucifer with a soft shocked smile on his face, I look back at him confused.

"What?... Did I do something wrong?" I mutter, looking at my hands to check if I'm doing everything correctly. He chuckles shaking his head, before he smiles up at me softly

"You're holding it correctly, just not used to people picking it up like that on the first try" he chuckles again "it's a left handed violin" he adds as he smiles breathing softly, walking up behind me, trying reach up to my hand, just barely being able to, he drifts his eyes towards the side, clearing his throat.

"Could you sit down?" he demands sheepishly. I stand there for a second before a smirk goes across my face, as he looks up at me confused.

"And what if I don't" I tease back, slightly bowing down at him, as I see his hands slowly move towards my hips before... push! He pushes me down onto the chair he was sitting on earlier, with a blank but cocky expression across his face.

"That will happen" he asserts, strutting behind me, holding onto my hands, giggling with a hiss from the back of his throat. He took a deep breath before teaching me how to play until the dark of night. I wasn't very good at it, but it was nice while it lasted.

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