Hang out

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September 26th,

Two days ago Brittany mentioned hanging out at her and Patrick's house. What I'm totally up for while I'm still in town before returning to the eras tour. My phone buzzes as I'm sitting up in bed trying to start up some sort of energy before doing whatever I'm doing today. Brittany texted me as we exchanged numbers at the game. " Hey taylor so.. I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at our place? Apparently Patrick and Travis were going out to eat with some other members of the team and I got our nanny to come over to watch the kids, so we can hang out in the basement." Honestly, I would really love to think to myself before quickly typing back. Most of the day I just slept or snuggled with travis. When I get any time off like now I just take time for myself.

Back to back show nights are stressful and take up so much of my energy when I'm home or in a hotel or even at Travis's house I relax as much as I possibly can. I call tree because I'm bored and other than a few short worded texts we haven't really talked lately and it's super important to me." Hey tree" "hey taylor' she responds. "Is there any out of the blue news that I need to know about? It just feels so weird not having you call so often." she sighs "well other than things about you and travis what as you told me you didn't want to hear anything about what they were saying. Everything the normal rumor here rumor there" ok well sorry to bother you it just weird that nothing big has happened."

I hang up the phone and start texting my mom. I just feel like I don't talk to my family as much as I should. Considering how important my mom is to me. We text then facetime for an hour before i decide i should get ready to go to britneys. I hear Travis coming down the stairs from his bedroom, sure he just works up. He knocks even though we're dating and I sleep with him most nights. He still knocks. "Hey tay" he walks over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm heading out with patrick were going to go golfing then to a sports bar for sports players" i laugh "ok.. Well I guess I will see you later' he walks out and blows a kiss.

I just got dropped off at Britney's house by my security. Their house is huge and apparently has a football field in the back but I knock on the doors and Britney leads me right down to the basement. "Sorry if i rushed you down i just really want some time away from the kids". 'Your totally find im so excited to have some girl adult time'. The bar seems to be a pour yourself type of deal so I go head mix coke and vodka while brittney makes some sort of mix. I follow her and sit down on a chief red couch. "Where to start, ok well I have to admit I did some deep diving yesterday on you and your career.

It's so impressive, sorry if that's intrusive." I took a sip of my drink before speaking. "You're fine, I get it. I look into everyone before I hang out with them. I just want to know what to expect." We talked about my career and her soccer career for a while. She then pulls out her camera roll and starts showing her kids off." there so adorable there literally a mix of the both of you". She asks me. 'Do you want kids?'

I kick my shoes off. "Honestly I'm not sure. Like I really love kids but my career is just so crazy. I wouldn't want to put a kid through non-stop paparazzi, not be able to go to the mall or subway or normal train because of me. I don't want to ruin their life." she starts to rub my shoulder as she can see I'm getting emotional." But a lot of it is that I've never been in a relationship where I feel ready. It was either toxic, too quick or I didn't want to be a father. Maybe Travis will be that guy for me though I really hope.

Travis and Patrick come in through the basement door. "Hey sexy ladies"Travis yells and I roll my eyes. They Were definitely drunk. He grabs my waist and starts to make out before trying to take his shirt off.''travis i yell really." oops your just so gorgeous.'' Brittney laughs. We hang out and eat lots of snackies before returning home.

We get home and I feel so awful.. I run to the bathroom and all the snacks and drinks are no longer in my body. Travis runs behind and grabs my hair he rubs my back. "Are you ok taylor?" "Yeah," I said lightly, "I must have drank too much, I'm sorry". He takes my puke filled shirt off and leads me to the shower. God, I love this man.

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