October 12
Today I'm going to the Chiefs Broncos game. I'm not really feeling up for it but that's beyond the point. I meeting up with mama kelce aka donna for this game. But before the game I'm going to try to relax as much as I possibly can. This morning sickness is really screwing me over. I wake up around 6 which is really early for me and head to Travis' bathroom feeling yet again nauseous... I'm so sick of this it's driving me crazy.I decided to take a hot bubble bath to try to calm my stomach. Not sure if it will be of any use but it's worth a try. I've been doing lots of reading about pregnancy since I obviously don't know much. Taking baths is ok when you're pregnant as long as it's not too hot and you use safe chemicals or pour-ins so I'm doing that. I rinse the large more of a soaking tub then a bath and turn water on by putting bath salts and bubble bath. I strip off my sweaty clothes. That's another thing this pregnancy is giving me so far and slip into the bath.
I tie my hair up sigh it's not a wash day and close my eyes trying to get some peace in time of uncertainty all of a sudden a sleepy travis walks in " Your up early love" he says and takes off his shorts and boxers (as that's what he wears to bed) and slips in with me. He goes behind me and I lay my warm body on him. I close my eyes and we just talk, talk about the future, the baby and the game. Ater a nice while we get out dry off and go down stairs.
I decided i was going to make myself some breakfast i'm in the mood for some eggs. Unfortunately Travis has to head out since he likes to be at the stadium way earlier than is ever needed. After finishing a whole pan of eggs by myself I go upstairs to get dressed. I stand in front of the large body length mirror in our walk in the closet feeling disgusting in my own body. I've struggled for so long and when I'm finally feeling better and confident this happens. I put a corset to hide any bloat sike that's all it is right now at chiefs jackets.
When we get to the stadium it is how normally fans are asking for pictures, brads and chads giving me looks but I stay linked hand in hand with donna. I arrive to the suite brittney being in her own with her family and kids this time she pops her head into ours and calls my name i head out in the hallway area and she checks on me" so how are you taylor" "i'm ok i never feel good and i'm overwhelmed but i'm not terrible"i respond she then asks" how did you tell the fam did that all go good?" 'i did actually there all super happy i'm going to try to keep in from the public longer but i need to tell my publicist today after the game and i'm worried for that'
she responds' well what's done is done so people will just have to come with terms' i smile and she alsk away "call me please i want to stay updated" the game went god another chief win lots of publicity if never ask for. All in all it is good but it's done. It's around dinner time so I decided to call the tree over to come to Travis's since he always stays after games for a while. Tree is staying not too far away with this crazy time and me being so big she's never far.
"Hey" tree with her red hair walks in wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We sit on the couch waiting for dinner to finish a simple casserole. I twiddle fingers "tree i need to tell you something' "what is it taylor" she looks concerned. I'm sorry thats all i need to say in advance that i'm sorry is this was not my plan and I hate that you will have to help me with this . she looks at me confused "im pregnant" she raises her eyebrow
" I know i'm sorry I want to keep this hidden as long as I can I didn't want this now but i'm keeping it she stand up and hugs me" it's not like I haven't kept things hidden from the public" we both laugh plus I can help out its not my first radio."

Chiefs baby
FanfictionTaylor and Travis's relationship is going smooth however, just things start to go into the public a dilemma within their relationship comes up. How are they going to react to it? what will do they tell there fans ? Will they tell there fans? (Take...