Oct 21
I'm sitting in the private jet, trying to not focus on how nauseous I'm feeling, as I start to write out some drafts for the announcement. it isn't easy to draft out an announcement of something so big in my life going on especially when I worked so hard to get to this point and to be able to go on tour like this. I'm ready just to get home. When it comes to the announcement, I didn't want to release too much like that it's twins or how far along I am however, I do need to say it's Travis because that would just cause so much media from the tabloids.
This is something I didn't think I would have to post so soon, but due to circumstances, I am. Travis and I are expecting. We found out not too long ago and I've been trying to keep it from the public but due to my health and extreme activity, this tour requires. I am postponing the tour until further notice. I'm so sorry I wish it didn't have to come to this point. I hope for lots of respect for Travis and I as we Begin this journey of parenthood. I love you guys lots.I attach a photo of Travis's hand on my little bump and click post. I guess we'll see what it will do and how people react.
The plane has yet to take off but we're going to Nashville. I decided I just wanna be home. I wanna be with my mom and my family more than anything. Travis will try to be there as much as he possibly can but with his busy schedule it's kind of uncertain. Tree comes and sits next to me. My face is in my hands. I'm just trying to process everything that's going on. tree stands back up and heads to the stations near the back of the plane and grabs 2 cups of water. She sits down next to me. places the water in front of me and grabs my phone. " tree what are you doing?" I raise my head from my hands. " I know you, Taylor, you're going to be focusing on every tabloid and every comment people say about your post. I'm not gonna allow that to happen.
You need to relax. I need you to promise me you're not gonna pay attention to it "" it's not that easy. My whole life was just released. I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I need to see what people think. I'm sorry, but I just need to." Tree responds " fine and that's not up to me but tonight you need to relax so no looking on what anyone is saying and any comment that news anchors or tabloids ask for I am not giving do you understand I'm doing this for you as a friend". I nod my head. I recline my seat trying to get some sort of nap before heading home. I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna do when I'm home because now I just have full days with nothing planned.
I text Travis.-hey are you gonna come to Nashville? I really need you.-the dots immediately pop up on the screen- yes I'm on my way there now. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me.-. We arrived at the Nashville airport. I put an umbrella over my face because I'm really not in the mood to be seen by any paparazzi and walking to the car followed by a tree. The drive from the Nashville airport to my house is about an hour. Which isn't terrible, but I would just prefer to get home. When I get in the car after hearing the paparazzi, yelling, my name and asking questions like." what are you to say about your statement?" "You would rather be knocked up, then be performing." "You're not even married to this guy." "What does this mean for your music?" I clicked the separator separating the drivers section from the back portion of the car. And breakdown. Tree still has my phone and she's refusing to give it back to me at least to get to my house. But I'm just so overwhelmed. I don't even know who I am, what I want or how this is going to work.
My head is again in my face as I sob uncontrollably. Trying to get at least a little bit of air in between. " Taylor, relax, it's all going to be OK. Trust me." Tree says trying to grab my hand, but I refuse. I don't want to be touched. I just wanna be left alone. She gets the memo and leaves me alone. She's on my phone. However, she has all the information to get into it as she is my publicist. Not sure what she's doing, but I'm trying not to pay attention to that and trying to pay attention to my breaths as it's something my mom always told me, speaking of my mom that who tree is on the phone with. We're about 10 minutes away from your house and apparently instead of me going home trees taking me there.
What's fine I guess. We arrived at my mom's house. The car pulls around the side so we can enter through the side door and I guess trees entering with me. We walk in and as soon as I see my mom, I see the look on her face. She looks worried for me, but I can't even get to hugging hers. As soon as I enter the door I just fall to the floor I start
hyperventilating and crying, my mom and tree kneel down next to me. "I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this." I say, in between breaths. Tree takes off her shoes and joins my mom sitting next to me. I'm not want to have panic attacks very often but since I've gotten pregnant, I have had them rather often. My mom and tree each grab underneath one armpit and lead me to the couch. They plop me down on the couch. My mom takes off my shoes and jacket, and I lay my head down.Trees pov
Andrea and I look at each other. We leave Taylor. letting her lay down and get some rest. Well, I followed Andrea to the kitchen. " I've never seen her like this before Andrea. I'm really worried about her." Andrea looks just as worried as we exchange looks. " she hasn't had a panic attack this bad and I don't even know how long I don't really know what to do but I don't want her to go home by herself. I want her to stay here. I wish it was easier for her. She should be excited, not terrified and worried about what other people think. But unfortunately, that's just the way her life is.After calming down I walk into the guest bedroom or (my room) and sit down on the bed. Before I know it I'm asleep yet again and it's the next day. When I wake up, Travis is sitting next to me, my mood immediately increases, and I jump on his lap, rubbing my hands to his hair, and slipping my tongue in his mouth. "Well good morning" he laughs. I stand up and lock the door. Take off like a large T-shirt and panties which I sleep in. Travis obviously gets the idea and follows. " Chill Taylor, God you just woke up." I know I just woke up but I have this insane sex drive "hurry, Travis." So he does. He flips me over and kisses from my lips to my core. After we're both lying there out of breath. And here a knock on the door " Taylor I made you an appointment with your OB you should get dressed and ready. Once we're both ready and walk out my mom looks at me and smirks.
Oh great just what I need I tell myself. We arrived at the doctors yet again but this time with my mom. As always we get called right back. "Hello dr ray" hello Taylor, Travis and mom. "This is your second prenatal appointment and now that it's not only confirmed but confirmed that it's twins we're doing a more standard appointment then just an ultrasound" I nod "let's start with just a simple ultrasound and then move on to the other parts of the exam." She pulls up my shirt squirting the cold gel in my stomach.
"How are you feeling?" "Well I'm super nauseous all the time" and I look at my mom and Travis. My mom says " I can leave if you want me to" "no don't leave mom I need both of you here". Looking back at dr ray " my boobs hurt all the time and my sex drive is crazy" god this is awkward I think to myself. Rubbing the gel around with the wand she says " that's completely normal now since you're expecting twins all of these systems will be double the intensity. I sigh. "Look here you are, it looks like there is a fraternal meaning of two eggs to two sperms so it can be any gender combination" they look healthy and are growing up to date. Would you like to know the genders?" Wow genders this is insane " can you write them down in an envelope?" She nods. "Ok Taylor now for the not so enjoyable part of the exam... I'm going to do a standard full pelvic and breast examination"
I sign thinking how much I hate all this.Now Taylor would you still like them both in here?" "Yes they will be there for the birth so this should be fine" she nods I'll let you get changed into the gown. Now nothing underneath of it" After changing into the awful paper gown she walks back in" pulling the stirrups out from
The bed and putting gloves on. " go ahead on up"
She does the standard poking around, cold metal and then the worst.. " This is an internal probe. I will be using this to get a better view of the uterus then what standard ultrasound can give this early in the pregnancy." Then she sticks this long thing in me and I grunt from how uncomfortable it is. My mom and Travis hold my hands."Everything looks great!" I want you out for the next thing however just since it's more revealing". They both walk about. " I unbuttoned the gown leaving my bare, very sore chest. She pokes around as I wince in pain. Giving me back up " just try to relax it might help if Travis massages them as well. You're free to go!" Thank god I think to myself.
Long!! I'm trying to make chapters longer! Hope you enjoy!

Chiefs baby
FanfictionTaylor and Travis's relationship is going smooth however, just things start to go into the public a dilemma within their relationship comes up. How are they going to react to it? what will do they tell there fans ? Will they tell there fans? (Take...