The party

889 23 1

Dec 15

Today is the day of the gender reveal. I'm feeling massive lately and I'm only 20 weeks. I decided to wear a white dress Travis wears a white t-shirt and jeans. We're currently on the jet on the way to Rhode Island. Britney made sure none of us came any earlier so she can prepare what makes sense. On the plane are the two of us and Travis's parents as well as Jason's family. We thought it was just easier to bring them this way all at once. I've normally never struggled with motion sickness as traveling has been a huge part of my career but now that I'm pregnant it's been bad. If I was not feeling awful I would be with Kylie and Jason's kids but I am so I'm leaning back with my eyes closed and a trashcan near me. Travis rubs my back and I put my hair up into a messy bun and fan my face. Luckily the plane ride shouldn't be too long but just being in the plane makes me feel sick.

Brit's pov
I got into the Rhode island house 2 days ago. I was able to get the code and security due to Taylor's help so I can get everything set up. There's multiple bedrooms in the house so I set Patrick and us up in one. The house is spotless but I expect nothing  less from Taylor. Leaving me the decorating to do what's the fun part. I start off by setting up a plastic table to hold the food. I put light yellow table cloths in the huge dining room table and plastic table. I tie white ribbon to the back of each dining room chair and set our white plates with gold utensils. In the middle of the tables I put a flower arrangement from a nearby small business with pink and blue flowers and babies breath to add some white. I wait to add anything to the food table till last minute but I add banners saying things like. "Boys or girls" some with microphones some with footballs and some busted cute and colored. Near the entry way I add clothes pins pink and blue in glass bowls for guests to grab as they walk in with a chalk board sign saying "grab two". Other then that the house is cute as it is and adding flowers and bits of yellow was about all I did. I did go and get some yellow, blue and pink balloons for outside and inside the house. Now to wait till Taylor arrives for the food prep.

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Taylors povWe just arrived and are driving up the drive way to the house

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Taylors pov
We just arrived and are driving up the drive way to the house. Travis has never been to my Rhode Island house and I was super excited for him to. We're in one car while everyone else is in the one following. The rest of the guests won't arrive till about an hour. I help Brittney set out the food what is fried chicken one of my pregnant favs, fruit and vegetables platters and a bunch of chips. For desert she got macaroons, cupcakes, brownies and cookies. We set it out and wait for guests. People quickly started to arrive my family was first followed by Selena. Many of the guests haven't seen me pregnant since in person yet. Selena ran and gave me a hug before rubbing my belly " aww your so cute pregnant!". Abbigal arrived and out of all I was most excited to see my childhood best friend who I rarely see. It was very nice and not to eventful. We all sat or stood while ate and talked with everyone.
Brittney starts talking and I kiss Travis "it's time"!

Brittney's pov
"Hey guys! So if you all don't mind let's take this party outback for the part we have all been waiting for!" Outback on Taylor's padio I have balloons and then the guttier that will be used as well as the football. Everyone gathers around and Taylor and Travis stand near me. Taylor looks like she might vomit. I walk up to her " you ok?" She nods "just nervous". I then begun to exclaim " for baby number 1 since there's two!! We will have Taylor sit down and start to sing whatever song she pleases as she strums the guitar. As she stums the guitar at a point the smoke bomb will go off indicating the gender!" Taylor sits and Travis sits next to her. She announces " I think I'll play a bit of a song I'm working on about Travis". He's smiles at her. She starts to play and sing. The crowd all waits edger to see the smoke. Then blue smoke rises from the guitar. Travis picks Taylor up bridal style and kisses her. " holy shit!" Travis yells. At this point we're all crying.

Taylor's pov
When I saw blue smoke rising I thought I might pass out. I'm so excited to be a boy mom. Before I can think or get excited myself Travis picks me up like I weigh nothing and kisses me. I don't know if I've ever been this in love. I run to my mom and give her a hug as we're both crying.

I wish this moment could last forever but we still have another baby to figure out! It's crazy how I went from touring to expecting twins...

Brittney- "ok guys hate to break up the fun but someone decided that she was going to expect twins so we need to find out the gender of baby #2." Everyone laughs. "For this one Taylor will chill while Travis and my hubby do the work." Taylor looks at me I know she doesn't like to sit around and not call the shots." Patrick will throw a football filled with colored powder and Travis will catch. Or he should since he's in the NFL that would be embarrassing is he missed.

Taylor's pov- I'm standing next to my mom and Brittney while Patrick is holding the football that decided my future. Ok that's dramatic I get it but really what type of mom will I be... im gripping to my moms hand and Patrick throws the ball. Travis runs really far back I swear if he misses but he didn't. Pink powder exploded everywhere including his hair. I run over and jump iver and kiss him while fluffing his now pink hair. How could I wnat anything more. He pulls away from my lips " I love you Taylor" I smile at him with blue power on me and pink on him. "I love you trav" he then pulls somthing out of his pocket and gets down of one knee. "Taylor Alison swift will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me". I'm in awe after what happened today the two babies i don't say anything just nod. His puts the simple yet gorgeous ring that fits me perfectly in my finger. And wraps his arm around me as we walk inside. example

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