It's October 20th and It's my last night performing in miami. I'm so ready to go home and see Travis for a couple days before heading to arizona. I'm so tired from these last couple nights. I really want to keep doing this but I just don't know if I can last much longer. We made it to the red era and I just gave the hat on the way to the kick line. I started to feel really sick but sucked it up and finished the show.
Once the show is over I head down stairs or under the stage to my "get ready area" and feel dizzy before I sit down and tree comes running "Taylor, Taylor Taylor look at me" next thing I know tree is over top of me. "Taylor you fainted. I took your body suit off. I look and see I just have. my sticky bra on. We need to go to the hospital. You're so sweaty and you fainted and you're pregnant " I'm not going to the hospital. I'm fine I have more shows' ' oh yes you are Taylor i will not allow you to even think about performing next week if you don't go.
She guides me up and puts a shirt on me and calls a car extra close to the stage to avoid me being seen. I hold my stomach. It is really growing and is noticeable by now, the body suit was painful to be zipped in. We arrive at the hospital and get taken into a room right away. Tree is texting with Travis as I'm fanning myself in a gown laying in an exam table when a doctor walks in. "Hello, I'm Doctor Jones. I'm an OB in this hospital and was called to come check on you. Tree stood up and approached her " you know who she is correct?" The doctor nods "this will go nowhere this is private information" I 100% understand hipaa won't allow me to talk about any of my patients."
She grabs a pen for her clipboard and walks to me "so what happened?" I sit up a bit to make eye contact. "So I was doing one of my shows like I have for days on end and felt really sick midway though. As the show continued I felt worse by the end of it I was dizzy and lightheaded. My publisher came and sat me down. I guess I fainted and now I'm
super hot." Taylor I can see here you're pregnant how many weeks along. " I'm about 12 weeks" "ok let me take you temp, check your heart rate and blood pressure." She does that while I keep fanning myself. " they're all slightly elevated, which makes sense for what occurred." I nod "when was the last time you went to your OB" she asks "well I went to determine the positive test but haven't been back since. I was going to go this week". She's writing on her clipboard."Taylor, I'm going to do a quick ultrasound." She unlatches my hospital gown so I'm just in my undergarments and applying the cold gel. She turns on the screen and her eyes widen but she smiles. "What is it! Tell me please!" Tree walks over and grabs my hand. "Well this explains you showing so much and all the sickness you're having. You're having twins" I look at the screen in the disbelief tree and look just as surprised but are trying to comfort me. The doctor cleans up the machine and zips up my gown. I'm sure as she leaves the room saying she will be right back with some more paperwork and tests I start balling. " I can't do this. This is insane. I need Travis, I need him. I need him now, please."
tree gets up on the exam table with me and sits next to me rubbing my back "OK give me a second I call Travis tell him he needs to get here and you can call your mom." I nod dialing my moms number into my phone. She immediately picks up and just the sound of her voice I start crying even more. " Taylor what's wrong are you OK? Do you need me? Can I fly to you? What's going on? Tell me baby" I take a deep breath and try to call myself before talking to her
" Mom I had an accident ""what do you mean you had an accident Taylor where are you?" " I fainted after the tour tonight. It was just bad and I just didn't feel good and tree rushed me to the hospital and now I'm in the hospital." I put my hand to my face. I hear the urgency in her voice start to increase. " OK I'm coming. Have you seen have they said anything?"" no need to come mama. I'm pregnant with twins." " Holy shit, Taylor .Are you ok? This is great news!" " I guess I'm ok I'm surprised and I just want to go home" " well when you do I'll be here to hold you" I have to go Travis is calling I love you mom".
The truth was Travis wasn't calling, but Tree just called Travis, and I needed to see what he said. Tree walks in the door. " he's in disbelief to Taylor that's completely normal however, instead of him flying here. you're going to get him on the jet right away and we're taking you back to Kansas City. You're gonna have to make an announcement because you can't continue with your tours. The doctor said that this activity just isn't affecting you very well." I sigh
" I knew this would need to happen eventually, but I just didn't think it would have to happen so soon" tree hands me some comfy clothes she probably grabbed from my suitcase and leaves the room so I can get changed before being discharged. I start typing out an announcement. I can't believe this is where my life is.

Chiefs baby
FanfictionTaylor and Travis's relationship is going smooth however, just things start to go into the public a dilemma within their relationship comes up. How are they going to react to it? what will do they tell there fans ? Will they tell there fans? (Take...