October 3rd
Travis and I exit my private jet and he leads me to one of our cars. My eyes are still red from crying last night. The security drives us wherever we tell and never asks questions about what's nice especially in situations like this. They enter the parking lot to my OB's office and pull around back so I won't be seen. Travis holds my hand and we go right into the exam room as they expected us. "Hey Taylor" dr ray came into the room. "So we're here for an ultrasound because of a positive pregnancy test, correct?" She says and puts her black hair into a ponytail
"Ok so ms swift I'm going to start out with a few questions before moving on to the exam. "Is this possible baby daddy?" She looks at Travis. "Yes I responded,he's my only partner". "When was the last time you had your period?" I try to think but I honestly can't remember. "Um I honestly say last summer June or July maybe". She copies down on the clipboard. "Last question, what symptoms are you experiencing?" Well I've been super nauseous and sick multiple times a day, sensitive to smells and two obnoxiously positive pregnancy tests.
"Ok Taylor so lay down and pull up your shirt. I reach for Travis' hand. "I'm going to put some gel in your stomach. It should be a little cold but none of what we're doing today will hurt". I nod. She squeezes a clear blue tinted gel on and turns to screen on before pressing to probe on my stomach spreading around. " So Taylor you are indeed pregnant" I look at Travis and we both look towards the screen." Looks like you're almost 8 weeks along what would put your due date around mid may."
She turns up the volume "baby has strong heartbeat" and Travis and I both shed a tear and tighten our hold. Would you like pictures of the ultrasound we took?" Yes, many copies please I respond. She leaves the room and I move to Travis' lap leading my head in his shoulder. "I love you taylor" "I love you to Travis". I'm scared. He picks my head up. " I'm scared too Taylor but we'll figure it out together".
Dr Ray comes back in with many copies and the pictures. I put them into my purse and we headed out of the clinic. I went on Amazon and ordered the prenatal vitamins she suggested. I tell my drivers to head to my moms house. We pull up and I tell Travis" let me go first, she's never met you in person, plus I want to talk to her alone." "Whatever you want, baby". I grab my purse and slip out of the car. Heading to the front door. I knock and the face I love so much opens it. "Taylor I didn't expect to see you" she gave me a big hug. We both walk in and she looks at me with the mom's look. "Taylor what's wrong" I sigh "can we talk" she leads me while rubbing my back to the couch. "I don't know where to start or what to say" Taylor what's going on you're scaring me, you can tell me anything" I handed her the ultrasound picture out of my bag.
Her mouth widens and she squeezes me in a hug. " holy shit Taylor I don't know what to say congratulations!" I start crying and she pulls back. " I'm sorry. I'm so scared I don't know what to do" she grabs both of my hands." Listen to me no one is ready to be a mom, everyone is scared but it's the best thing in the world". I Lay my head on her shoulder." Is it Travis's?" Yes I responded he's in the car out front."
Mom stands up Taylor swift why didn't you tell me I need to meet the father of my grandchild!" She walks out and I stay on the couch. Travis comes in led by my mom and I smile. He sits down next to me and kisses me on the head." My mom interrogates him and he takes it well. We need to go tell others so I tell mom we need to head out. She hugs Travis and then me whispering in my ear"he's a keeper".
Next stop dads house I'm not sure how he will respond. I walk up and knock on his door. He's met Travis before luckily. He opens and looks surprised, pulling me into a hug and shaking Travis's hand. "We have something we need to tell you". He looks confused. I handed him the ultrasound. He looks at Travis and tears up." I'm going to be a grandpa" hugs hugs me and then travis was surprised.
We ate some
Lunch before the next spot. Next was Abigail. I walk up to her door and open it and pick me up. "Abby,"I yell. She walks to the couch and pours two bottles of our favorite wine. I laugh. " so what's going on? I was surprised by my favorite person."Abby I can't have this" she looks confused" This is your favorite has been since you were 21 dong play with me" I handed her the ultrasound. " no fucking way!" She jumps screaming and jumps on top of me "careful I yell" we're both crying now.she rubs my stomach"hey little one I'm your favorite aunt" "and godmother" I respond which makes her cry even more. We stayed in Nashville for a few days to hang out with my family before heading back to Kansas.
Dang this is getting way more attention than I thought!

Chiefs baby
FanfictionTaylor and Travis's relationship is going smooth however, just things start to go into the public a dilemma within their relationship comes up. How are they going to react to it? what will do they tell there fans ? Will they tell there fans? (Take...