4 (cranks)

15 0 0

You moved from the small hill teresa led the way to a building she put her hands on the windows till she found an opening.

"Come on"
She said

"Teresa Waite"

"Get down here!"
She yelled as everyone followed. You looked around the building.

"Where the hell are we"
Minho asked.

"A building of sorts"
You said looking around

"We gotta go"
Thomas said as he started to walk away

"No- Thomas stop"
Teresa yelled, Thomas stoped walking.

"Tell me what's going on"
She asked

You stood next to Aris, making sure he wasn't hurt

"It's w.i.c.k.e.d, it's w.i.c.k.e.d they lied to us we never escaped"
Thomas said walking towards Teresa

"Me and aris we found bodies, to many to count"
Thomas said.

"What do you mean, dead bodies?"
Minho asked

"No but they weren't alive either, they had them strung up, tubes coming out of them, they were being- they were being drained, there's something inside of us that w.i.c.k.e.d wants, something in our blood"
Thomas said.

You looked at aris he had a worried look on his face, you grabbed his hand to comfort him, he looked up at you.

"We have to get as far away from them as possible"
Thomas said.

"Ok, so what's the plan"
Newt said

"You do have a plan right?"
Newt asked

"Well we followed you out here Thomas and now you saying that you have no plan or idea on what we're doing"
Newt said

"Wait, Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains, some kind of resistance or army"
Aris said

"The right arm, the right arm, if there really against w.i.c.k.e.d maybe they can help up"
Thomas said

"People... in the mountains, mountain people, that's your plan"
Newt asked.

"It's the only chance we have"
Thomas said.
There was a stern silence before Winston pointed something out.

"Hey guys check this out"
he said pointing to foot prints in the sand

"Minho give me a light"
He said to Minho who shined the flash light on the ground

"Someone's been down here"
Winston said.


You looked around the building looking threw the window of a room you could see some supplies so Minho opened the door to the room.

Everyone scattered and looked around at different things, luckily there was a flashlight for everyone.

"Looks like people lived here"
Minho Said.

"Well where are they now"
Newt asked.

"Let's pack some of this stuff up"
Thomas said as he put on a jacket.

"Anything you think you might need, we'll split up, meet back here"
Thomas said.

"What Thomas"
Newt said throwing him a flashlight.

"Let's go"
He said turning it on.


You aris and Winston grouped up, Winston led the way into another little room. It was stacked with guns knifes some clothes. You grabbed a bag that sat next to a mattress, looking inside of it there was a shirt a water bottle but it was empty and in a little pocket there was a switch blade. You took the bag and filled it with some other valuable things, like one of the guns and some ammo.

All of a sudden lights in the building turned on and everyone regrouped.

"What's going on"
Frypan asked as there was screaming in the background. You all looked over seeing Thomas and Minho running towards you with a bounch of people? Chasing after them.

"Get out of here"
they yelled at you all as you followed what they said and started to run.

"Come on"
Newt said.

You ran to some escalators and ran up them.

"Thomas Minho what the hell are those things"
Winston yelled.

"I don't know! Just keep going!"
Thomas yelled

"There cranks!"
You informed as the group made it up the stairs you were about to turn a corner but was stoped when a crank appeared in front of you. You aimed your gun getting ready to shoot but aris walked in front of you with a metal pipe dodging the cranks attack and hitting it in the leg making it fall.

"Holly shit that was awesome"
You whispered to yourself.

The group ran past the crank on the ground except for Teresa and Thomas who were cornered by more escalators. The group tried to stay to help but Thomas told them to leave.

"Go around"
He yelled.

You grabbed aris hand and ran with the others. The group ran down a hall they were able to meet up with Teresa and Thomas. Any cranks you saw you didn't hesitate to shoot and you were impressed at how aris just kept hitting any crank that got near him or the group.

The group all ran threw a hall almost to the end till newt got jumped by a crank. Thomas ran to his friend and kicked the crank making it break the glass barrier and fall to the ground. He helped newt up as more cranks started running towards them. The group ran threw a door entering a small hallway running down it and trying to find a way out.

Thomas screamed in frustration as he tried to open a door. The cranks had entered the hallway.

"Keep going!"
Teresa yelled at the group as they ran more ways down the hall. They entered a room with two big doors.

"It's a dead end!"

Thomas tried to kick down one of the door. Y/n looked over at the crank approaching them, he loaded his gun and started to shoot at the crank, winston pulling out his own gun and doing the same as y/n, and aris stood behind them with his pipe ready to bash some heads in.

The crank were starting to get closer.

"Get the door open!"
Winston yelled at the others, as y/n started to reload his gun. Frypan was able to get the door open and they all ran threw but a crank grabbed ahold of winston he screamed as the group ran back to him to help him. The cranks were clawing at his stomach. As Minho tried to hold the door shut and the others pulled winston away from the crank. Y/n shot some of the crank threw the crack in the door. They were finally able to grab winston and run away from the crank.


Maze runner scorch trials(Aris x male)Where stories live. Discover now