13 (memory)

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Y/n woke up, looking around the room, his vision was blurry and there were bright lights shining in his face he could hear people talking but couldn't process the words they were saying.

"He's coming out of it"
A doctor said as she looked at y/n before putting a mask on his face.

Whatever they made him breath in put him right back to sleep.

When he woke up again he was in a dim room laying on a bed. Y/n looked around at the room there was a table a sink and a toilet. Y/n layed back down grabbing his head as he felt it sting.

"What the shuck"
He whispered till he heard the door to the room open with a buzz, then 5 guards came in 2 grabbing him by the arms and dragging him out of the room. They walked threw a hallway walking past a section with windows. Aris was in the room, they were taking blood samples from him, he looked out the window to see y/n being dragged down the hall. Aris wished he could do something but he felt to week and tired to try anything.

The guards took y/n to a secluded room with a one sided window, they tied him to a chair and some doctors put a device on his head. They were going to study his brain waves.


I woke up except I wasn't in a hospital or one of w.i.c.k.e.d's compounds anymore, there were trees and grass. I looked around and immediately got up as I saw the walls to the maze. I walked around calling for anyone. I entered the small woods in the maze as I heard some twigs snap. I walked closer to the sound wondering who or what it could be. I approached a small stream as I saw a dirty blond haired boy, my heart immediately sank as the boy turned around


"Why did you do it"

"I-I had no choice"

"Yes you did, that's why you killed me right. You had the choice. You chose to kill me"

"No- no I didn't, you were stung, what more was there for me to do. I had to protect the others"

"Protect us?"

You looked over as you saw Millie walk towards you.

"Killing us isn't protecting us, I was your best friend"

"I'm sorry..."

"Your reasons for doing anything we're never clear"
Sam said walking toward me

"That's why we deemed you unfit to be king"
Millie said walking closer to me as I stepped back.

"I was a better kind than Damian ever could be"
I said sternly trying to hide my fear. Then Sam and Millie ran towards me as I tried to run away but I felt frozen in my boots. Sam jumped on me and suddenly I was somewhere else

The place was familiar but I couldn't remember where I've seen it before. I heard an echo a voice it sounded like a women's voice, I turned around to see a little boy and a woman standing in front of him.

"Stay strong for me y/n... please"

And with that the memory faded

I yelled trying to catch the memory before it disappeared

Was all I could say till everything went blank


A few months later...

They were transferring everyone to a new place a city you heard them say.

Some of the kids tried to fight the guards and make a run for it aris being one of them. He punched a guard in the face but the guard just punched back busting his lip.

Y/n saw this happen and was not having it. He swiftly grabbed one of the guards knifes and slashed it threw the air hitting some guards cutting them. He tried to run to aris aid but was shot in the back with a tranquilizer gun causing him to fall to the floor unconscious aris tried to run to y/n but a guard pulled him back aris pushed the guard off him causing another guard to punch him in the face aris stumbling as the guard he pushed grabbed him. Minho and Sonya sharing a look before they were all shoved into a train car. Sonya and aris were put together and Minho and y/n were put together.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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