12 (captured)

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You watched aris from afar seeing him talk to his friends. You decided to distance yourself from him, let him catch up with his friends instead of clinging to him like a lost puppy you sighed and took a bite out of some food they gave you.


Harriet aris and Sonya were talking over by a fire.

"So how did you and y/n meet"
Sonya asked

"Me and two of the others sat at a table with him, we just wanted to ask him if the story's about him were true"
Aris said

"What story's about him"
Harriet asked.

"Just about how his maze worked, the way they set up their rules and what not"
Aris said

"There's something your not telling us"
Harriet teased

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to keep him away from me, he did what he had to do"
Aris said.

"Ok. We promise"
Harriet and Sonya promised.

"Y/n's maze worked differently than everyone else's instead of a democracy they had a Monarchy a king instead of multiple people agreeing on a situation. Y/n was kind of not important to them. I guess, he was the underdog. Y/n didn't want people to underestimate him anymore so he challenged their king at the time and he won. But everyone in his maze didn't like that, so instead of making him king they tried to banish him but..."
Aris explained but stoped when he looked up to see y/n walking towards them sitting down next to aris.

"I killed everyone in my maze"
Y/n said bluntly

Harriet and Sonya's eyes were wide

"They deserved it"
Y/n assured looking down.

Harriet and Sonya understood why once y/n explained more in depth on what the others in his maze did to him, how they treated him, they didn't mind but they were still cautious, but if Aris trusted him then they trust him too


The sound of a jet and helicopter roared in the distance. You looked to the sky seeing a helicopter flying low to the ground then all of sudden there was an explosion. You grabbed aris's hand to run sonya not to far behind, Harriet running to Vince with ammo. You and aris and sonya hid behind a car. You could hear screams and yelling gunfire and explosions.

"This if bullshit I'm going to help them"
Y/n said getting up but immediately getting pulled back down by aris who was shaking his head.

"I'll be fine I promise"
Y/n said with his hand on aris's cheek. He kissed his forehead before running off to help the other.

Aris sat there for a second trying to process what y/n just did.

"Did he just do what I think he did?"
Aris asked looking at Sonya.

"I think he did"
She replied.

Y/n grabbed his gun and started shooting at the guards taking them out one by one until he ran out of ammo which he then switched to his knife. He saw someone fall to the ground and a guard was about to shoot them with the stun gun but y/n tackled the guard to the ground and stabbed him multiple times before helping the person get up and hide.

Janson in the helicopter spotted y/n as he signaled a specific troop to go after him. Y/n was fighting another guard he nock the guard to the ground and was about to stab him until he felt something hit his neck. Y/n reached to pull it out, inspecting it looking at the dart till realization and drowsiness started take over his mind y/n blinked a few times before falling to the ground and passing out.

Aris watched from afar as he started to panic he ran to y/n to try and help Sonya ran after him

"Aris wait!"
She yelled.

A guard aimed his stun gun at aris and shot him and Sonya.


The guards had lined everyone up and they just let your unconscious body lay on the floor as they checked your number

the guard that scanned y/n's neck yelled out

Aris looked at you with worry wishing he could do something.

"It's gonna be ok Aris. Based off the stories you told me, y/n is strong, he's gonna be ok"
Sonya assured Aris.


Maze runner scorch trials(Aris x male)Where stories live. Discover now