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It is five to nine on Monday and I am seeing the MTC for the first time, it so gorgeous, specially the lake! It is one of those rare days in which there is not a cloud in the sky and I couldn't be happier. 

I park my new bike and start walking into the building. Upon entering I come face to face with a smiling face, the receptionist. "Hi, I'm Indiana. I am supposed to get a tour of the facilities today..." 

"Hi, of course! Pleasure to meet you. If you walk that way and take a right, they are waiting for you by the trophy hall." She smiles and goes back to answering calls. I follow her directions and find Zak Brown standing next to Cole.

"Hello, you must be Indiana" He shakes my hand "Welcome to the MTC, you must know Cole already, I thought it would be a good idea to have a somewhat familiar face by your side on your first day" He smiles and starts walking and showing me around the whole place.

"And here is the engineering department and through that door on your left you can access our air tunnel" I look around in awe, this is everything so surreal! "And over here are the offices and this one over here is actually yours. You will find your new computer on your desk. So that's it, you have the morning to look around and we will introduce you to the team over lunch, so just make your way to the cafeteria around noon"

"Great! Thank you so much" I smile and wave as they leave and go to set up my desk. I power my computer and connect my account to my laptop as well so that i can carry as I go. After that, there is still about an hour until noon so I start walking around.

I was looking at the trophies when someone bumped into me.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't looking to where I was going..." I look to my side and see Lando looking apologetic.

"It really is no problem, I am Indiana, by the way, I am the new aerodynamicist" 

"Oh yeah, I heard that they were introducing someone new today, so I basically got a headstart on everyone" he laughs and shakes my hand. "I was actually heading towards the simulator to meet with Oscar. Come on, you can come with, if you are not busy that is."

"That would be great! I am a little nervous to meet everyone at lunch so having a few familiar faces can't hurt. So... lead the way!"


We arrive at the simulator and find Oscar about to finish a lap. Once he finishes he gives Lando one of those bro hugs and turns to me, "I believe we haven't met before so, hi I'm Oscar" he waves and before I can answer Lando does it for me.

"Yeah, she is the new engineer we were gonna meet today"

"Hi, I am Indiana" I smile and its all I have to do to break the ice. We continue talking up until we have to meet with the rest of the team, which is when we start moving our conversation to the cafeteria. 

"There is no way you haven't tried an argentinian alfajor  before! I will have to ask my parents to send a box over and you both have to try them" I laugh at their horrified faces "oh please, don't look so terrified, it is basically cookies with dulce de leche and covered in chocolate but its a delicacy!" 

They laugh to when they realise they were exaggerating. " Its not our fault everything sounds terrifying in that accent of yours. Besides I thought it was those fish onion ring things you guys eat!" Lando makes a disgusted face while gesturing with his hands all around.

"Excuse you! I think my accent is fine, and those are rabas and they eat them in a lot of countries you dumbass!" We all laugh while we settle into a table. Soon the whole team shows up and we all start chatting. Zak presents all new comers to the rest of the crew and tells us to mingle a little bit.

Oscar goes with his mechanic team but Lando follows me like a personal bodyguard everywhere I go. "You know I don't need your help, right? Besides, I would like to meet my department and talk about what we are supposed to do, starting tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know, but you are just so tiny you could get trampled on andd i already know my mechanics since there were no changes there soo... lead the way Mrs. Fernandez!"

"First of all, I am pretty sure you can't talk because half the grid is taller than you, and you can't baby me since we are the same age! And second, that accent was awful!" 

"Eh, yes I can since you are at least a head shorter than I am, besides, I will help you get settled in the team and show you the ropes of how everything here works so you should be more grateful" He fake pouts and I just laugh and walk over to the aerodynamics team. 

They all present themselves and start asking about how I am finding everything here in England.

We talk a little more before the supervisor tells me that tomorrow we will start by analyzing the data of last years car and start pitching different ideas for new sidesims, and see if any of those can drop a few kilos of drag. That gets me excited alright, can't wait to work with this team!

After a little more chat, we all part ways to head on home. 

Author here!

Second chapter OMG

Going to try to always have some chapters on retainer so that I don't leave you hanging (a reader who suffered through the "last updated in 2014" nightmare)

So excited to start developing Indi's relationships! Her and Lando's dynamic is soo cutee, definitely a sibling bond coming :)

Trying to get the prep for testing out of the way to get to the fun partss

MC Out! <3

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