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"Ok folks! First full aerodynamic model going into the tunnel!" Peter, the Technical Director, looks proudly upon us. We are all buzzing with excitement at the prospect of todays results. After weeks working on Computer Assisted Design, or as we call it, CAD models, it is really exciting to be able to test the performance in a real life model. 

We have been working relentlessly and we finally can see the car and how it is going to react to the different track conditions. I am currently on the performance supervision team, which means I have to compare  the results we got on the virtual model with the ones the tunnel will give us. 

Peter counts down and starts the tunnel. I look into my computer at the simulation data. Everything looks goods up to now, but we can't relax. After 15 minutes where everyone was holding their breaths, we determine that the model is succesfull. The tunnel is turned off and the clapping and hugging begins. 

While I am listening to Peter congratulate us, I see out of the corner of my eye Cole pointing a camera my way. I look over at him and make a funny face. He laughs and tells me to smile and wave. I do as he tells me and he retreats into a corner. Once Peter finishes his speech, more clapping is done, and I make my way to Cole.

"Hey, what are you working on?" It is not normal to find him in this room so I really am curious. 

"Hi, I am filming content for the car launch. The boss wants to have some of the process to making the MCL60 as kind of an introduction of the video."

"Oh yeah, we don't really pay attention to the way the car is launched since our work wont be seen by the public until testing" I shrug and start walking to the cafeteria with everyone. Now that we have finally finished the model we can focus on trying ti gauge which configuration is going to be the best for each day of testing, just so we can rule out some and not waste time. Even though it sounds like a lot of work, our workload is going to be a lot less this next week. 

We all grab food and seat over to chat over lunch. Soon enough we are joined by the mechanics who tells us that if we can, tomorrow is going to be the first fire up, and we are invited to watch if we want to. We all agree since this obviously only happens once a year. 

After a while, many get up to try to get more information from the other departments. I spy a curly head over by another table and, low and behold, Lando waves me over a little later. I excuse myself and walk over. 

"Hey guys! I have some exciting news... yesterday I received a package from my parents with lots of Argentinian sweets so I am going to bake some typical foods to share tomorrow!" 

"Hey Indi, as long as you don't poison me we are all good. Even better, can I bake with you? Just so I can supervise you know, plus we haven't hang out since you came here" Lando brings me into a side hug while he rants. I sit beside him and fist bump Oscar across the table.

"Sure! The more the merrier, so if you wanna come Oscar you can"

"That sounds like a plan"

"Great, I will text you my address, and say we meet at... 7, 7:30? Oh and tell me what you want for dinner and I will order ahead, sound good?"

They both nod before I hear my team calling me. With that we go back to analyzing anything we might have missed, the sooner we finish checking everything the sooner the composites team is going to be able to make the chasis and such.


We, as in Oscar, Lando and myself, decided on taco bowls for tonight, and once we finsihed the delish food, we started setting up to make alfajores, both regular and gluten-free. For the gluten-free ones we already have everything since my parents sent both the cookies and the dulce de leche. I am currently making the cookie batch for the regular ones, Lando is on music duty and Oscar is assembling the first batch of gluten-free. 

"Hey, do you mind if I stream for a little bit? I haven't been streaming much lately and my fans are grumpy" he laughs while he lowers the volume on the music slightly.

"Yeah its no problem, if you two are comfortable, go for it" I shrug, some people might be shocked to see me, a nobody, with them but since I came to the UK they have been the best of friends, so people are bound to see us together in the paddock.

"Hey chat, I am here with this aussie driver and argentinian engineer. Today we are making some argentinian snack called..." he trails off and I understand that he wants me to complete the sentence. I fill in and roll my eyes because even after hearing me blab about it all the time he still gets the pronunciation wrong.

"Yeah, what Indi said" he laughs "Ok, so maybe we can do a q&a while we are here so send your questions... first question, how did you become friends with an engineer? Easy, she manipulated me into becoming her best friend here since she is so- OW- lonely" I smacked the back of his head.

"Actually, he crashed into ME on my first day and, of course, we see each other every day in the MTC and he just needs to follow me everywhere!" I laugh and he nudges my shoulder "Hey! Careful with the dough!"

"Ok moving onn, how is the new car coming along? Honestly pretty good, we can't reveal much but we are really excited for this season. What are all your zodiac signs? Uhh, I am a scorpio, I know Oscar's an Aries, I don't really know Indiana's..."

"I am a proud August Leo, so if anyone wants to tell me something interesting that you know about that sign, feel free" I start cutting the cookies to put them into the oven.

"This one is for Oscar" I arrange the cookies into the pan and check that the oven temperature is right, "How do you put up with the both of us? First of all, rude, me and Indi are sunshines to be with-"

"Don't believe him, I have barely been able to survive their fights and I attribute it to my great resilience and patience. But please send prayers" he fake cries and swipes at his cheeks, the drama queen.

"Ok cookies in the oven so lets move onto the living room while we wait" 

After some more questions and once we finish assembling and covering the alfajores with chocolate, Lando finishes the stream "Ok chat, it was fun, hopefully you liked the stream and my new friends. Bye, wave goodbye to the chat guys" Oscar and I wave and Lando cuts the stream. 

"Ok you guys can leave, I will put everything in containers so I can take them to the MTC tomorrow once they cool a little bit" 

We say our goodbyes and I promise I will save one of each for them to try if they don't get to the treats in time. I go into my room and collapse into my bed, what an exhausting day!

Author here!

Can't believe we have more than 70 reads already! A little bit of a longer chapter for you guys, next chapter will be preparation for bahrain testing and then the season starts!!!

Hope you are liking the story :)

MC Out! <3

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