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Today's the day, first race on the calendar, my first time working a formula 1 race. I make sure to get a good breakfast in before I head on to the track earlier than normal, just so that I can arrange everything on the garage table and get the whole feel of race day.

I decide to walk to the track to clear my mind a little. I pass a pastry shop on my way and grab some treats just in case someone wants something. I choose one with chocolate filling and ask for half a dozen more. Once I arrive on track, I check in and try to look for my friends. I see Logan and Lissie talking so I walk over.

"Hey guys! Happy race day! Could I interest you in a divine pastry?" I do my best impression of a posh butler, but I can't keep it up and burst out laughing. "Sorry, but do any of you want one? They are chocolate filled..." 

"Hey Indi, they look really good but I honestly think that if I eat anything I will throw up so I will pass for now" Lissie pouts and I move the box in front of Logan.

He smiles at me and grabs one. His smile is really nice."Thanks Indi, just don't tell my trainer, he would kill me if he knew" He laughs.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me" I sip my lips and throw the 'key' away. "Anyway, I gotta prepare for the race so catch you later guys, good luck to both of you!" I say while walking backwards and waving, soon I turn around and head on to the mclaren garage.

Logan POV

I watch Indi as she leaves before I snap back and look to see Lissie looking at me seriously while crossing her arms. "What?"

"Nothing, its just interesting how much more you smiled in the 3 minutes that Indi was with us..." She hums and uncrosses her arms "So I was just wondering why that may be..."

I blush and try to keep a straight face, "I don't know what you are talking about, besides I was happy about the treat she gave me" She looks at me with a deadpan look and I know she is not convinced.

"Come on Logan, you can tell me. It's not like I am going to use it in an interview, I ask about the cars and racing, not your personal life!"

"Ok fine, I might think she is really pretty, but please do not tell her. I know she is your friend, but this really doesn't have a future, it's just a sillly little crush that will fade away"

"Ok, say I believe the fading away part, but wouldn't you want me to put in a good word or something?"

"Ialreadyhaveoscarforthat" I mumble, scratching my neck. 

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Oscar is already helping me with that, he keeps insisting on me asking her out, but I just don't think she likes me like that and with it being both of ours first year, I don't know if I want to take that risk just yet" I shamefully say. Its like I can't stop myself from thinking up the worst possible outcome, and tricking myself into believing there is no other option.

"Hey, don't worry too much, destiny works in amazing ways, so the answer will come, whether that is the one you believe in or the one that you don't want to admit you prefer" She pats my shoulder and starts to leave. "So, just be yourself and let everything flow! See you on pit walk"

She walks away and leaves me thinking. She's right, destiny will show the way, I just hope I don't get hurt in it.


I get to the mclaren garage and start looking for todays desk. I find a sticky note with my name on the 3rd computer from the entrance, so I start setting everything up. Soon, the garage is buzzing with energy; the pitwall engineers go over everything and start looking over our shoulders while the mechanics put on music and check that everything looks good on the car.

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