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"Hey Mom, Dad! How is everything going?"

"Hi Indi! Everything is great, but we miss you, you haven't called a lot and we assumed you were busy"

"Yeah, you assumed correctly. We have been working really hard on the car but tomorrow we finally launch it! It has been a dream and we are not even racing yet, I can't believe this is my life now" I smile at my parents who beam back at me.

I know that it was probably very difficult for them to see me, their little girl, move across the world, but I know that I will also make them really proud, because if there is one thing they have taught me is that you have to pursue your dreams. We talk for a little more before it gets late and I have to go to sleep.

"Ok guys, I gotta crash but I promise I will try to call more. Love you lots!"

"We love you more, take care!" I hang up and stare into my ceiling, can't believe its been almost 2 months since I moved.


"Welcome everyone! We are here today to unveil the 2023 Mclaren challenger, and we couldn't be more excited but first, lets have the drivers step into the stage with us, Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri!" We all clap politely. We all really excited to see the final product of our hard work, even though we design a simplified model so as not to reveal our secrets.

I zone out during the speeches because we have already been addressed in one yesterday, so now they address mainly the fans. They later call Zak and Andrea onto the stage, and after they are done, the video starts. (i know the launch was kind of different but i changed it, muah)

The screen shows a little bit of the history of Mclaren, since this year is the 60th anniversary. And then they start showing some of the process of building the car, including my funny face and wave. My team nudges me and laughs while I blush red from embarrasment, but I've got to admit, it is funny. At the end of the video they start showing a little of the livery when the curtain that was over the car is lifted. It looks beautiful, and knowing I am not a normal expectator as I was before makes it even better.

Soon, the launch is done and we move onto a little bit of an afterlaunch party. We mingle and eat, I am going to be honest and admit that I was mostly eating. Lando finds me and he tells me that my funny face is going viral on tiktok. Then he shows me how the Mclaren account uploaded the clip of the tunnel. People on the comments are talking about how they loved me from Lando's streams and that I should have my own account.

"Be careful Lando, I am coming for your career in streaming!"

"Dee! You should totally do it, you can even use my setup to start! Or you could do like youtube, maybe be part of quadrant, you know."

"I will think about it but I don't really want to promise something I might not have time for"

"Ok but you are welcome anytime as a guest"

"I will keep that in mind Lan" I smile gratefully at him. He has made me feel not so alone in this new life of mine and I couldn't thank him enough for it.

After that we get talking about how pre-season testing goes, some sightseeing we can do in Bahrain once we get there one week from now and of course Lando talks about the first after party of the year, in which he will probably DJ.


It's 6AM and the whole team is waiting to board the plane to get to Bahrain. I am triple checking that I've got everything I need; passport and boarding pass, check, e-reader and glasses, check, neck pillow, check.

Stick Season | Logan SargeantWhere stories live. Discover now