spells upon spell

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Rosemary pov
My father woke me up this morning. it was a plesent surprise. Enchantress was gone. Loki my father said "your mother has gone to town today she said it would be a good time for a father daughter day as the midgardens call it." I smile and say to him "yay!whats first?" Loki looked like he was just being calm because he didnt know how i would react but now he seems really happy. He says back to me "I have this really big plan ok so i though we could start by going to this place where Thor used to fight as a child and we would watch and fight. After that i thought we could go to this Magic school and we could see if there was anything interesting there. That is if you want to." I smile really big he was really excited just trying to play it cool. I say back in a really excited voice "yes that would be so amazing and if you dont mind there was this competion you can enter with your parents where you and another family go back and forth with spells and ive been waiting to go with somebody but if you dont want too its fine." Now i was trying to play it cool. The famous big Loki smile spreads across his face. "A parent and child competion you say now we are speaking the same language yes this is going to be a good day." I smile and say "ok im going to get dressed ill be right back ok." He nods im still afraid its just a dream i really dont want to leave but i need to change. I decide to go with a simple blue shirt with a white skirt that goes to my knee along with some blue boots that go up to the bottom of the skirt. I pull my long black curly hair into a ponytail. I ran right out of my room. good he is still there. this isnt a dream. He smiles and says "the pegasus carriage is out frount i have to grab something real quick but i will meet you out there." I nodded and went to the carriage. The driver opened the door i say "Thank you sir." He tips his hat and smiles. I step inside this Carriage and sit. It looks like i believe you Midgardians would say Cinderella's. It was not made of your fruit i still do not understand pumkin though. My father comes out and says "do you like it?" I nod and say "Yes father it is very beautiful." He smiles and says "good driver to the arena please." The driver does as told he looks slightly afraid of my father. If anyone he should be afraid of Thor my father is no monster. My father pulls out this little sword and he says "It was mine a long time ago. you see i wanted to watch a show with you then perhapse after if you were willing teach you sword fighting." I smile and say "Dad i would love that very much." He smiles and shows me the sword it was very beautiful. It had a sliver hilt with a green emerald in the center of the hilt. The blade was sliver and it seemed perfect no dents no nothing. I smiled and say "Dad its beautiful." He smiles and says "I hoped you would like it." We arrived and i was very excited. The driver comes and opens the door. My Father gets out first. Next it was my turn. I reach the door and the driver holds up his hand to help me down. I smile and say "Thank you sir." He tips his hat. My father hands him some money and he says "Thank you Mr. Loki." My father smiles and says "Anytime." My father guides me to the entrace. I smile this looks like an interesting place. The battle went by very fast and it was very interesting. I caught myself cheering a few times. We walked to the bottom of the arena were my father pulls the owner aside i can hear him whisper "Am i still allowed to train my Daughter to sword fight here?" The owner says "yes but you will be sharing the arena." My father says "with whom?" The owner says "Another man with his childeren he never gave me a name." My father says "alright." The warriors clear out of the arena. In walks the man with his childeren it was Thor. I decided to ignore them. I pull out the blade Loki gave me all of them were there except the only one i get along with. Loki says "alright Rosemary what you do is you hold it like this and swing like this." I nod and imate his moves and say "like this?" He nods and says"very close here." He comes over and adjusts the way im holding the sword and guides my hand through the swing. He says "more like that though." I nod. one of Thors stupid sons says "yea Rosemary like you could even carry a sword anyways." I laugh at him and say "you forget im a fast learner and im ten times stronger then you." He looks embrassed that i said anything then Thor says "now son you know how Rosemary is stop being rude and just pay attention." I laugh quitely. My father and i spar for an hour or so before we leave. I have proven just how much of a fast learner i am. Thors son couldnt even pick up on how to hold it. We arrive at the school it was the private one that Thor refused to put me into. I dont understand Loki must have read the look on my face and says "your mother told me about it and said they even offered a scholarship is that right?" I reply "Yes father it is." He says "well we shall see if they will still accept you and you can start this up coming school year." my jaw dropped he believed in me and wanted me to do my best. I ran over to him and hug him. I looked up at him and he was smiling. We walk in. The lady at the frount desk smiles and says "Loki!" she runs out from behind her desk and says "what can we do for you?" He says back "do you still want my.Daughter Rosemary?" She replies with out thinking twice "yes we do Thor never would let her come though." My father says "well i am her Father and i will." We spend the following hour signing me up and showing me around the school and getting me a uniform. Once we leave the school i look at a pocket watch and say "father it is almost time for the competion." He replies "where is it?" I say back " In the Arena at the castle all the best magic user compete." My father says "If Odin will let us compete then we shall." With that we headed to the castle to see if Odin would let us compete. We arrive at the castle and my father says "let me do the asking ok." I nod and say "yes father." We walk in and we ask to speak with Odin we are allowed but like a million guards walk in with us. Loki says "Odin Rosemary wants to compete in the competetion." He says "Why should i let either of you?" I raise my hand i had been preparing for this. Odin says "yes child." I reply "sorry father Odin please i know you think im nothing more then a trouble maker but you also know Thors childeren like to frame me. Basically what im trying to say is i want to prove to you my father has changed and that magic is usefully in your family." Both of them seemed surprised at my response. Odin says "your argument is valid. You may compete." I smile and say "thank you so much Odin." My father smiles as we leave and make our way towards the arena and says "your mother was right you do have my persuasive powers." I smile and say back "yes if it is one thing I learned about my mother enchantress she is usually correct." He nods and we reach the door.
Hey Stars!
Sorry for the cliffhanger/pretty much just cutting off. I just didn't want this chapter to be to long so I decided to just add more detail and make it the next chapter hope you don't mind please tell me if you do and if there's anything I can improve for you guys.
Your one and only

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