Meadows ands amd crazy dreams

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Rosemary's pov
I was just chilling as I think you Midgard people would say. Sometimes you language escapes me. When my mother and father landed on there Winged horses. Yes I know the terms I just am feeling lazy and wish not to use them. As I was saying they landed and there winged horses joined Thunder and they came walking over to the tree I was laying under. My dad sat on my right side and my mother on the left. I decided to give them both a hug before asking why they were here. Then I asked "why are you guys here not that I don't mind the company but I was just curious." Loki smiled at me and said "how did you find this place daughter?" I say " I saw it in a dream once when I was really little and I found it and I've been coming ever sense. For some reason Thor could never find it." My mother smiles and says "that's because my dear it's a place where only people with our magical talents can see." I say "oh that makes sense now." Loki smiles at my mother and says " yes for us only unless you show someone else." Now I could sense some pain coming off my father directed towards my mother. Man something must have happened here. To try and make it better I say " oh wait dad I have this cool spell I just learned I wanted to show you mom said it was one of your favorites I think I might have just mastered it." He gets this big smile on my face as I often did. I realized we look a lot alike. I decide to smile back the same way and I close my eyes and I mutter a few words under my breath and when I open my eyes there were a bunch of clones that look like me smiling that smile back at my parents. My dad claps his hands and says "that is very good Rosemary." My mother claps and smiles too. I make the clones go poof as I like to call it. My dad stands up and decides he want to show mom and me something. I couldn't wait my father one of the best was going to show us a spell. My dad closed his eyes and muttered a few words similar to what I did and he made it rain ice in a controlled circle when the hit the ground it spelled my mothers name. I clapped and said "wow dad that was very good and cool and amazing." My dad smiled and my mother stood up and walked over to him she smiled very big and hugged him and said "just like on the night you proposed to me." I said "aww my family is so cute." My mother decided to do a spell as well but she asked us to stand by her for this one. Around me swirled a bunch of blue roses and my father green and gold leaves and my mother big pink flowers. When it was done we were all wearing new clothes. I was wearing a blue dress that came just below my knees my father was wearing a new green suit it looked like one from the older days I saw. My mother was wearing her old outfit too. I smiled and said "this was a good one too mother." She smiles and says "yes Rosemary but it is getting dark so we should head back and put up Thunder and ours for us well me and your father finish up our surprise to you." I nod and we head home I decide to start with Thunder I take off his tack and put it all up. I curry brush him along with setting out food and water. Next I do magic followed by Lighting. Once all of them were put up and taking care of I went to go find my parents and see what there surprise was. I see them sitting by this box that still wasn't unpacked I walked over and sat down next to them. My mother and father were looking at this smaller be inside the box and my dad reaches for it and pulls it out. As he is doing this my mother says "Rose your father and I bought this a long time ago and we decided it was the right time to give it to you. Sense I will not have all the time I used to have we are giving you a old spell book we bought a long time ago." My father hands me the box and I open it. On the inside is this beautiful but slightly old cover that had my name on it in blue thread. I smile and open the cover and on the inside there are two notes. The first one says "to my beautiful young daughter may the world of spells always work out for you and may you have ever lasting joy with ever moment. Signed Your father Loki." The second one said "to my beloved daughter I have been lucky enough to see you progress into this amazing young bright girl and every young bright girl will need one of these so here's to you love Enchantress." I hug each of them and say "thank you both so much I really love it very much." My parents seemed really happy to hear that. The next thing I knew they were sending me to bed saying that tomorrow is going to be an early day and I will need all the rest I can get. I listen and don't question it and go to bed.

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