The dream of daddy

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Rosemary pov
I had a dream where Loki was taking me away from this Asgard and we had gone somewhere we were both excepted. I smiled all of for my night. Then Thor came and woke me up. My smiled turned into fear I said something and I was gonna get yelled at. Then Thor sat down with a worried look on his face. He said "I have not been honest with you I am not your father." I gasped. He said "yea I know I am sorry I lied to you but also Sif isn't your mother." I gasped again. I was pretending I was so happy. Then he said that my parents would claim me at the party enchantress planed on having me go to. I nodded then Thor said "so until then you are not allowed to stay at the palace." My heart sank what was I to do I had no where to go I stood up and started packing everything I had. Then Thor saw the panic cover my face and he sighed and walked out. I started to cry. Then Sif came in and saw me crying and that was the first time I had seen a small amount of love from her. She bent down to me and pulled me close and said Thor won't throw you out I won't let him un pack your stuff and wait here. I nodded I started to wipe my tears and un pack everything i just packed. Then I heard her yelling at Thor " Thor how dare you throw a child out on the streets with nowhere to stay and not a clue how to survive on their own." Then I heard a slap on someone's face. I peeked out my door to see that Sif had slapped Thor. Thor said "Sif she is the child of all our problems." Sif said "I don't care for heaven sakes let her stay or you will have only Odin left for a family." Then I heard Thor say "fine she can stay but on one condition." Sif says "what's that?" Thor said "that you watch her I am tried of it I don't want to watch the little brat anymore." Then Sif said "it is not her fault for her fathers actions Thor and it is not her fault you did not like her mother who adored you." Then I heard him walk off with a storm brewing behind him. Then Sif came in to find I had un packed everything. Then she said "come we shall get you cleaned up." I nodded and followed her. We got to the bathroom and she sat me down on a stool and started to comb my hair. I asked her " Sif why do you cars now?" She replied "I always cared it was just that Thor said it was apart of your punishing then I realized you did nothing wrong and it was Thor who was doing this and so I decide I would try and mend fences with you and found this to have happened." I nodded and said " thank you Sif I am sorry for how I have treated you I thought you hated me for simply being born so I treated you badly." She said " hush child no need for such apologize." Then she braided my hair and then put some green flowers in my hair. I smiled and she smiled back. Then we went out and had a girl day. It made me feel so much better then people started to smile at me and treat me nicer now that they realized Sif really did like me. I would never stop being a trickster but I would at least be nice to people most of the time. The. We stopped at a stand with Carmel Apples it was so good. Then me and Sif went to the battle field and she taught me some defense moves with a sword and even helped me shoot an arrow or two. We walked Into the palace smiling and laughing. When Thor came over to me and Sif and said " I would like to apologize to both you and Sif for my actions I had forgotten it is not your fault for your parents actions and I apologize to you Sif for being so cruel to you my wife." We both replied "thank you for apologizing Thor." Then we all proceeded to walk into the banquet hall. Where we all had dinner for all Asgard people where here. I wondered why then I remembered the date it was my birthday. I smiled and thanked everyone I saw as they wished me happy birthday. I walked into my room to see that a green nightgown had been placed on my bed. I gent ally took out the flowers and set them on the wash basin gently then I slipped on the gown and un braided my hair. Then I laid down to sleep when someone walked in it was my youngest step sibling. Delilah she said " sister may I sleep in here with you I had a night mare?" I slid over and said "of course tell me what happened." I came and climbed in next to me and said " there was this man in a red cloak who said he would take over Asgard and kill Odin." I nodded and said " no man is stupid enough to take Asgard and if they do they will have me to deal with." She smiled at me and fell asleep. I soon to fell asleep.
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